Sunday 18 October 2009

Fan-tas-tic da-a-ay!

Sun 16th Oct 09 - My FIRST PROPER RIDE!!

I had negotiated 2.5 hrs time off this pm but hadn't quite decided what to do yet when I spoke to Sharon who said she was taking M round Scarletts lake. I said maybe I would come too and the thought popped into my mind that I could possibly ride a bit of the way, especially when S said "It's quite a long way to walk!"

We met up at the field and agreed to go out and that I would have a sit on and be led for some of the way. I did a tiny warm up of porcupining Z1, foot on the mounting block and circling before we set off. We turned left and went along the main road then right into Shepherds Grove. D was quite joggy but I thought he would run out of steam quite quickly and, sure enough, by the time we turned into Scarletts lake lane, he was quiet.

I gave S the lead rope and stood on a hillock to mount. D was fine about the mounting but quickly became very tense at the signal to move off. He fidgeted and squashed my leg into M a bit which then made him jump a bit. I would describe him as being on "high alert" and very touchy but he held it together. After a minute or so S said he was licking & chewing a lot which I was glad to hear (quick too). He stayed pretty tense through his back until we got to the lovely old house but then he lowered his head and got into the rhythm. I must say, I felt very safe in S's hands - but still clutched the front of the B/B pad with one hand & the neckstrap and D's mane with the other!!!

We had a few trots which at first were very staccato and made me laugh as I was bumping! By the end of the ride we had both relaxed enough so that there was a swing coming through from behind and, at one point, I felt a really lovely powerful trot. What a fantastic feeling it was to be riding D after all this time. It was a moment I'd imagined for so long - but so unexpected that it should happen today! It was a gorgeous afternoon too. We rode back along the main road and right back to the field where Rob took a picture of the momentous occasion!

I almost didn't go for it as I thought I should really "stick to my plan". Of course I shall stick to my plan in the field but if we can do this even once a week it will be fantastic for Ds confidence and I'm sure he will start to be a bit bolder with me in the field too. Wow whee! On top of the world!

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