Thursday 20 May 2010

Undemanding time. Rough Play!

Sun 16th May 2010

Went up in the evening, poo-picked & scratched (D, not myself!). Went up earlier in the week too and had a scratching session.

Very interesting... Duncs came over to investigate me and I gave him a leftover from my pocket. He went back to grazing but when Moet ventured a bit too close, D was at him, chasing him off quite hard. Both of them cantered about and came too close to me. I tried a bit of liberty to get him out of my space but D wanted to play - and play rough!

I quickly decided that it was not a good idea to "play" with Duncs as he reared up and struck out - PP I am not! Anyway, it was a "how interesting" moment as Duncs treated me like his property or should I say, one of his subordinates. I don't think it means I'm not the Alpha at any time (putting aside other evidence for a moment!) as he does it to Moet too, who is the Alpha of the two of them. Maybe it's just high spirits. Shows me I still don't know a lot about horse behaviour anyway!

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