Tuesday 4 May 2010

Ride no 25 - Scarletts Lake. No boots

Weds 21st April 2010

Writing this much later so not sure if this was the right day but one day this week, S and I rode the Scarletts Lake ride. I'd found D better on his pins earlier in the week so we went out barefoot and he was fine. He was very forward going and crossed the bridge very boldly. Had a lovely ride.

D starting to get much more settled in his mouth and going into the bridle very nicely in walk. He has a horrible habit of pulling himself along in trot with his neck braced but that is going to take a while to correct and needs to start with consistency in walk then moving on to little trots with the correct carriage until he builds up strength in his HQs. At the time of writing (4th May) he is already starting to change shape - his neck is looking longer and he is now looking more like a mini horse than a pony. It helps that a lot of the winter fuzz has gone too!

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