Tuesday 19 January 2010

One small step for Duncan, one giant leap for our relationship!

Weds 6th Jan 2010

Not sure now if it was this day. Anyway, it was a good day! The previous snow had cleared so I went up and took D out. Didn't have a lot of time but thought i'd better get to sitting on again as S and I were going to start riding out the following week (this didn't happen as the snow came back with a vengeance).

I did some mounting prpe at the block and D was shifting about and not that comfortable so I just got to laying over. Then I got down and we went up the road. I had the little blue broken brolly which, once out, I opened and started moving about. D was alarmed at first but soon took little notice in favour of eating the grass on the bank near Tricia's!

I decided to use the bank for more mounting prep and D didn't bat an eyelid. I would have been tempted to get on if I had confidence in my ability to steer D but as this has yet to be established, I didn't want a car to come along and me to be stuck in one position!

Off we went into the village hall car park, D still prtetty chilled, then into the "front" paddock with lots of juicy grass. I did some more extreme umbrella FG in the security of the field. D very good, umbrella useless, must get a new one!

Back throught to our patch & down to the block again, I got on D only for my 'phone to ring. I slid off pretty quick though D didn't even look round! It was S and I noticed the time and thought I'd better skiddadle. Luckily, as I was about to call it a day, Rich rang & said I had a bit longer. Was about to poo pick when I thought, "No! Get back on, you fool!"

I got back on and then IT happened. D, ears pricked, sauntered forward a few steps. I just rubbed. M was standing nearby but D walked past him and up to the gate where he almost put his head over before stopping. He was clearly saying "Ok, let's go out!" Yee Ha! My heart leapt with joy, I can tell you. It was like the moment I had with Ollie when he finally offered something to me and I knew he'd turned a corner. I just knew Duncs had turned a corner emotionally. It was FANTASTIC. Thank you Duncs!

After this I leapt off, rubbed a lot, poo picked and departed!

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