Wednesday 20 January 2010

I rode by myself!!! Ride no 6

Weds Jan 20th 2010

Well, what a day! It was snowing heavily when I got to the field. S was already there huddling in the shed. neither of us felt terribly inspired but, having made the effort to both be there for a purpose, we got ready and went out.

We went down the road and into the woods on the left. I don't know my way round there so can't describe the route but we went round and about and came back out the same way. Moet was really lethargic to start with whereas Duncan was well up for going out as usual. I got on at the bank by the cricket field and D turned his head round for the, by now, customary piece of apple! I stood and rubbed for a bit and we set off nicely - on the lead rope.

In the woods, S had to get after M and every verbal command she gave M, D would hurry up too! trouble was, he kept getting in front and was pecking M on the face and neck. D felt pretty uptight, just pent up energy, I think he felt he should be going forwards but he couldn't. Also a bit of excitement at going on a different route.

I was getting bobbed about this way and that and D also kept scraping through bushes and under branches with me! I kept going "whay" "ooh, my knee" and such like! When we got to a very narrow bit downhill, the pair of them started hesitating and turning round at the entrance, I suggested S hand me the rope and go first. I said I'd get off - then I thought I'd just follow on. So, down we went and D actually relaxed!! I guess they both knew it was going to be a squash for both of them!

S carried on going and I actually felt no desire to go back on the lead rein at all. I felt great! D looked happy as anything too. We got to a nice wide path and had a trot uphill. D wasn't sure whether to keep trotting so stopped and started a bit. Then he got into a stride which got a bit fast so I asked to walk for a bit. I'm glad he didn't canter as I'm really not sure if my seat is up to it yet. I'm so glad of the handle on the front of the BB pad!

I must say, I don't want to ride in a saddle yet. The handle on the BB pad is great and I'm sitting in a much better position than I ever have, I can really keep my seat and weight back (which probably means I'm sitting straight having been a lean-forwarder all my life!).

We came out of the woods and went back up the road. D was tired by now. It's been a long time since he carried a person properly and I'm about 9st (will have to weigh myself - don't possess scales at home). By the cricket field, I stopped and did some lateral flexion, back-up - thanks to S for reminding me to pedal D went back beautifully, and disengaged the HQ. D very responsive. All rather untidy but it will come. I need to polish up my aids as they're not second nature to me yet either. D walked on at a light touch of leg.

I rode all the way back by myself feeling on top of the world - and safe! Laughed when D stopped to investigate a bin (touch it pattern) so I gave him a treat for try!

How strange, I got my letter "Dear Duncan" that I wrote at Terri's workshop this week. I couldn't think what it was at first. At the end I put "see you down the road when we'll be riding about all over the place together"!

When I opened the letter and read that, I thought the letter had been sent a bit prematurely! But here we are, it's actually coming true right now! Thanks to Duncan, Sharon and God of course! And a bit of willpower from me I guess!

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