Monday 25 January 2010

Ride no 7 - more solo and funny signs of confidence!

Mon 25th Jan 2010

We were a bit late getting out ( I have had a dizzy day!) and set off on the usual road ride as the horses had to keep their feet dry for the farrier. I noticed straight off that Duncs was not his usual self, he was hanging back and pulling a grumpy face. He is so expressionfull (new word!) that it's funny. Saying that, he was obviously not happy. This could either be a) because he was uncomfortable or b) he is getting used to the routine and is not too impressed by it!

I think it was the former as later he lagged behind so much I got off and walked. He felt tired but I guess he could have just been not enjoying me riding (or "having me on" in traditional terms!). Either way, me getting off was the right thing to do as it's all about the RELATIONSHIP! Aha, light bulbs flashing in my mind.

Anyway, to rewind, I got on at the usual bank. D totally chilled, waiting for his treats. I rubbed a while then asked him to walk on. I have been doing this very gently, he's a bit sticky which could be lack of confidence - or nappiness - but again I'm realising that, whichever it is, to keep him sweet I should always try to take the line of least resistance so he thinks "that was OK, I don't mind doing that!"

We turned up dry hill and after a short way, I took my lead rope. All good, checked out the LF. Whilst going up the track, we met a herd of vivacious horses. D's tail kinked up but I was already on the ground! I felt completely confident handling him from the ground which was a nice feeling and I had to work quite hard to keep him out of my space. I got on again - lots of puffing! ...and off again (horses returning) and on again...and off again. All good mounting practice but need to do some more from the off side!

D was very relaxed about me riding today but, as mentioned, was not his usual forward-going self. The best bit for me was, as we approached the mounting bank going home, having a trot, I praised D and rubbed his neck. He slowed to a stop and turned his head round for a treat! Now this may seem like an undesirable habit but, as I said at the time, I'd rather greedy pony than nervous pony any day! Afterwards I also realised what absolute proof this is D recognises that it's me on his back and what we've done on the ground is truly carrying through to on top now.

I LOVE that we are developing a quirky relationship, much like I had with Zebs. I let Zebs "get away with" things other people wouldn't, I'm sure, but he looked after me which was priceless! I think Duncs has that potential which is very exciting.

Sunday 24 January 2010

More extreme FG - umbrella session 3

Sunday 24th Jan 2010

I don't know where this month's going! Today, I was feeding in the evening and planned to take D out for a walk. I've been ill and was really tired and almost talked myself out of it but i thought if i only did half an hour that would be better than nothing.

So, on arrival, I caught D up straight away - after a brief investigation of my (rolled up) brolly got his interest up. We went straight out as it was getting late - nearly 4pm. This may have contributed to him being a bit spooky. M was calling a lot today too but D was not his usual confident self. He kept stopping and goggling with his heart fluttering. The first was at the gateway before we left. I waited and then moved him about a bit before setting off. Then he kept stopping going down the first bit of the road - he could see people in fluorescents through Suzie's bit. Again I waited a bit then backed him, turned him, sideways-ed at a trot, approaching and retreating the trouble spots.

At one point, as I indicated to him to come forward thinking the hedgerow would push him into a sideways, he leaped up a four foot bank!! He was towering above my head and had a big leap down! I'm realising how agile D is, also how sure-footed, which is nice. I think he surprised himself a bit with that and a car was coming so we retreated a bit again. After only about 5 mins, he was walking more confidently and by the time we got to Pippa's, he was relaxed. The nice thing was, I didn't feel at all worried or pressured to pressurise D. I remembered not to push him through his thresholds - which you can easily do - he will respond -and it seemed to work.

Once he was relaxed, I opened the brolly which I was carrying instead of a carrot stick. It's a rather posh brolly which I bought for my wedding day, more like a parasol in a lovely powder blue. I was careful not to let D chew it! I took it because the handle has a curved end and the brolly is not too big when opened, bigger than the previous one but not as big as a golfing brolly which will be next!

D did really well with the brolly and I ended up walking with it open on his back, waving it about and rubbing him with it. I also walked backwards twirling it which scared him a bit initially but curiosity overcame him , especially when he got a bit of carrot for "touch it!" What I am realising - thank you to the horseless workshop for teaching me this and reinforced by Clinton A - is how much rubbing D helps him feel everything is OK. A couple of times when I had the brolly on his back he looked worried but when I put my free hand on him and rubbed him, he immediately relaxed. CA says "you can't rub these colts enough!"

When we got back, I tried leaping on D from the ground and made it once when he was downhill but I then slid off the other side - because it was downhill! I tried half-heartedly to line him up to the fence but I haven't taught him bum towards - did all previous mounting with a round block so I just kept turning him until he was lined up. Next project! Saying that, he did stand still whilst I tried to launch myself at him! It's great he's got so quiet about me mounting. Again to quote CA, the more you struggle and huff and puff, the better. That's just as well then! Good boy today.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

I rode by myself!!! Ride no 6

Weds Jan 20th 2010

Well, what a day! It was snowing heavily when I got to the field. S was already there huddling in the shed. neither of us felt terribly inspired but, having made the effort to both be there for a purpose, we got ready and went out.

We went down the road and into the woods on the left. I don't know my way round there so can't describe the route but we went round and about and came back out the same way. Moet was really lethargic to start with whereas Duncan was well up for going out as usual. I got on at the bank by the cricket field and D turned his head round for the, by now, customary piece of apple! I stood and rubbed for a bit and we set off nicely - on the lead rope.

In the woods, S had to get after M and every verbal command she gave M, D would hurry up too! trouble was, he kept getting in front and was pecking M on the face and neck. D felt pretty uptight, just pent up energy, I think he felt he should be going forwards but he couldn't. Also a bit of excitement at going on a different route.

I was getting bobbed about this way and that and D also kept scraping through bushes and under branches with me! I kept going "whay" "ooh, my knee" and such like! When we got to a very narrow bit downhill, the pair of them started hesitating and turning round at the entrance, I suggested S hand me the rope and go first. I said I'd get off - then I thought I'd just follow on. So, down we went and D actually relaxed!! I guess they both knew it was going to be a squash for both of them!

S carried on going and I actually felt no desire to go back on the lead rein at all. I felt great! D looked happy as anything too. We got to a nice wide path and had a trot uphill. D wasn't sure whether to keep trotting so stopped and started a bit. Then he got into a stride which got a bit fast so I asked to walk for a bit. I'm glad he didn't canter as I'm really not sure if my seat is up to it yet. I'm so glad of the handle on the front of the BB pad!

I must say, I don't want to ride in a saddle yet. The handle on the BB pad is great and I'm sitting in a much better position than I ever have, I can really keep my seat and weight back (which probably means I'm sitting straight having been a lean-forwarder all my life!).

We came out of the woods and went back up the road. D was tired by now. It's been a long time since he carried a person properly and I'm about 9st (will have to weigh myself - don't possess scales at home). By the cricket field, I stopped and did some lateral flexion, back-up - thanks to S for reminding me to pedal D went back beautifully, and disengaged the HQ. D very responsive. All rather untidy but it will come. I need to polish up my aids as they're not second nature to me yet either. D walked on at a light touch of leg.

I rode all the way back by myself feeling on top of the world - and safe! Laughed when D stopped to investigate a bin (touch it pattern) so I gave him a treat for try!

How strange, I got my letter "Dear Duncan" that I wrote at Terri's workshop this week. I couldn't think what it was at first. At the end I put "see you down the road when we'll be riding about all over the place together"!

When I opened the letter and read that, I thought the letter had been sent a bit prematurely! But here we are, it's actually coming true right now! Thanks to Duncan, Sharon and God of course! And a bit of willpower from me I guess!

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ride no 5!

Mon 17th Jan 2010

Finally S and I got out together after the last big freeze! Walked out the usual way. D was forward going in a very happy way. Overtook M on the downhill and trotted up the uphill. When I got on, he was chilled - totally. What a great feeling. I was really looking forward to riding after the last session. Knowing that d is feeling more positive has given my confidence (and affection fr him!) a massive boost.

After mounting (not pretty!) we stood still with D on a slack lead rein as now need to get on & hurry up and relax - instead of hurry up!

Had a lovely ride down towards Scarletts lake. Talked about all the places we could ride this year! The horses were very brave crossing the tiny bridge with a roaring flood passing underneath. I used my reins a couple of times to steer towards the end but not easy when on the lead rein. S and I agreed we will set it up next time for me to start taking more control (hopefully!) I now realise that doing all this out is going to be the way forward. I think D may have a bit of a "schooling" aversion whereas he loves going out.

When we got back, outside the house, S gave me the lead rein and I asked D to walk forward. He was a bit hesitant and i had to go to PH4 but the second and third time he reacted pretty quickly to my leg which I then quickly released and gave him a rub.

It's all very exciting. I've just got to remember to GO SLOW! Especially with my phases. Watched Savvy Club DVD tonight, "Rein positions demystified". I'm sure about the positions and their uses but what a job to remember all their names!!

My adapted hackamore fitted luckily (bought a warmblood halter to use with my reins).

One small step for Duncan, one giant leap for our relationship!

Weds 6th Jan 2010

Not sure now if it was this day. Anyway, it was a good day! The previous snow had cleared so I went up and took D out. Didn't have a lot of time but thought i'd better get to sitting on again as S and I were going to start riding out the following week (this didn't happen as the snow came back with a vengeance).

I did some mounting prpe at the block and D was shifting about and not that comfortable so I just got to laying over. Then I got down and we went up the road. I had the little blue broken brolly which, once out, I opened and started moving about. D was alarmed at first but soon took little notice in favour of eating the grass on the bank near Tricia's!

I decided to use the bank for more mounting prep and D didn't bat an eyelid. I would have been tempted to get on if I had confidence in my ability to steer D but as this has yet to be established, I didn't want a car to come along and me to be stuck in one position!

Off we went into the village hall car park, D still prtetty chilled, then into the "front" paddock with lots of juicy grass. I did some more extreme umbrella FG in the security of the field. D very good, umbrella useless, must get a new one!

Back throught to our patch & down to the block again, I got on D only for my 'phone to ring. I slid off pretty quick though D didn't even look round! It was S and I noticed the time and thought I'd better skiddadle. Luckily, as I was about to call it a day, Rich rang & said I had a bit longer. Was about to poo pick when I thought, "No! Get back on, you fool!"

I got back on and then IT happened. D, ears pricked, sauntered forward a few steps. I just rubbed. M was standing nearby but D walked past him and up to the gate where he almost put his head over before stopping. He was clearly saying "Ok, let's go out!" Yee Ha! My heart leapt with joy, I can tell you. It was like the moment I had with Ollie when he finally offered something to me and I knew he'd turned a corner. I just knew Duncs had turned a corner emotionally. It was FANTASTIC. Thank you Duncs!

After this I leapt off, rubbed a lot, poo picked and departed!

Sunday 3 January 2010


Just a few thoughts which have been going round my head - while they're still here!


I've been (trying) to read "Raise your hand of you love horses" - PP's life story. What strikes me most is how fearless the guy is - or at least in control of any nerves - and what a powerful impact this must have upon the horses he comes into contact with. As a professional rodeo rider, he didn't fall off for 7 years. That must make you pretty confident too!

So, this has made me think about my wobbly seat syndrome and how intertwined this is with my own nerves. I've mentioned it before but I still haven't actually done anything (apart from talk) about it. Riding in the BB pad is fab and has already had an impact on my balance but I'm sure I could do more. Not really up for riding a unicycle like PP and it can't cost much. Mmm. S has talked about core stability (don't have any of that but perhaps with some discipline!)

After reading about Pat's antics, my situation with D seems very tame. I've just got to learn to sit a buck! Maybe I should rig up a bucking barrel from the magnolia tree at the back!


D did some of the best sideways ever when he was hyped up yesterday. He is a bit stiff laterally and doesn't put a lot of effort into crossing his hind legs usually but with the extra energy it was a different matter. Have to work out how to get this motivation when his adrenalin is down!

Future plans

I don't like to mention future plans in case they don't come off but S and I are hoping to go places (physically as well as metaphorically!) with the neds which I am really excited about. I hope with simple mileage it's all going to come together with D. I shall start watching my CA DVDs soon (got to find more time) and hopefully follow thr programme.

I'm also hoping to get my own tow offer has been accepted...have to wait & see.

Friday 1 January 2010

Got effective without getting M, M or M! Umbrella FG day 1

Friday 1st Jan 2010!

It was a cold, dry day - hurrah! I went up in the morning and after feeding the neds, a bit of scratching and dab with a plastic curry comb, I got the b/b pad on D (no moving away - progress!) and he stood positively beaming for his halter. It was plainly obvious D was up for doing something.

We went for a walk as it's been a while and, now we can get out, it's so nice to. Understandably, D was a bit goggly at the gate and M called a bit today as its been 3 weeks. I just waited for D until he relaxed and then he went out with a spring in his step. Had a lovely walk. D very responsive whilst quite pingy.

Went down the road and into the woods. Interesting in the woods, D stopped and goggled, lots of rustling and branches crackling in the undergrowth. I resisted the urge to "get him listening to me" and when the dogs burst out (pursued by Flick) he did half a spin but that was it. That's what I really love about D, he's switched on but doesn't lose his head. The more I experience with him, the more confident I become as I see where is limits are. Ollie would have done a lot worse!

Our biggest test came meeting other horses. On the way out, D heard but didn't see some horses ahead and got quite excited. On the way back, a horse came up behind us and D started cavorting. I told the rider that he was just excited to see them but would probably do his stallion impression. On cue, D dropped his willy out!!!!! Tailed kinked right over his back, I'm not sure I would have fancied being on board at that time! However, saying that, D still listened to me which was gratifying so the same might apply when we get to riding. And of course, I can always get off!

I kept sending D round me by yielding the HQ into FQ yields. he got a bit uppity when the horse left and did a few protest bucks but nothing too wild. I was really pleased with my progress today as I was able to get effective without getting mean, mad or moody - or flailing my arms around too much! I know I did too much with my stick, i.e. a phase 3 in the air when I could have just used my body position but I didn't touch D which meant he didn't get offended.

I think this is partly because my technique is developing through experience but mostly it's about being confident in my ability to deal with situations with Duncan. What bolsters my confidence is living though each situation. So, this year, I need to seek out lots of challenging situations that D and I can hopefully get through intact e.g. going to shows. Once I know I can handle D most anywhere, I will feel super-confident!

Ooh, almost forgot - UMBRELLA FRIENDLY GAME!

I took a broken small blue umbrella out in my pocket. On the way out, after the pond, I took it out and opened it out a bit. D was scared, stopped dead and, for a moment stepped back. I just kept walking and it was amazing how quickly he changed and was trying to catch up with me and bite the umbrella. Actually he wanted to throw the umbrella for a treat but I kept tight hold as this is one toy D is not going to get a hold of again!

By the time we were in the woods I was waving it from side to side. I put it away until we were back on the home stretch and then did a bit with it in the field. I was able to move it around D's air space up to Zone 3 without him showing much reaction and left it there. He's getting so much braver with all the different things he's seeing. I shall work up to the golfing umbrella over time.

Time for bed but glad I've caught up - especially as Beth has just updated her blog!

Snow blues

Went up to the horses a few times over the past few weeks but didn't do anything with D. Sharon was away the weekend before Xmas so I did Sat pm and Sun x 2. There was heavy snow on the ground and it was freezing so I just did the essentials.

I went up Boxing day but it was a quick visit. Then we were away for 2 days after that, after which Rich went straight back to work and Ellie went home.

I seem to have been in "Manic" mode as I worked up to Xmas eve - my last day at the OU. Now writing on New Year's Day, feeling a bit of trepidation about how I'm going to transform myself into super-wife and fit my horsey life in!

We'll see......