Sunday 4 April 2010

The saddle fits!! A few holes revealed too

Wed 24th March 2010

The good news first. The saddler, LH, arrived promptly. With very little fuss she checked the saddle, said it had the right head plate in it (size 4) but could see why it might have been slipping forward. She moved the front girth strap forward onto the anchor at the points as she said this would hold the girth in the girth groove. She thought it was likely the girth was slipping forward into the groove and because the front strap was anchored further back, it would pull the whole saddle with it. LH adjusted the air too so that it was "flocked" evenly.

Then came to trying it out!!! So, going back a bit to my we know PPP prevents PPP. I had taken D up the road and ridden back. he was a bit slow and reluctant due to all the construction traffic outside Pippas. Then he saw Elsa (who'd come to help me) with her red saddle cover. He soon followed her when she walked off but he was a bit sticky and RB. I had then planned to ride round the field but I realised I had 10 minutes left - then LH arrived 10 mins early!

So, back to post-fitting, Elsa led me up to the top field and around in a kind of circle. The first spook was due to M cantering up behind D on the way up. I got off, sent D around a bit then got back on. E led me again and, although D was pretty spooky, I was glad to know he couldn't go too far! That said, he spun round or swung out a few times or spooked at my coat rustling!

After about 3 times of him spinning his bum out towards the gate, LH asked if he was being nappy. Strangely this had not occurred to me as I was just thinking about going forwards and had not noticed the pattern. I said it would be great if so - I can deal with napping!! My analysis is that he felt as if he was napping because he was nervous and trying to run away from the situation rather than saying "sod it, this is too much like hard work!" I think he was rattled by the new situation and people and he's not yet in a place where he takes leadership from me on top. As soon as I got off, he switched the energy off which was telling.

Lots to think over and work on. What it did definitely reveal is that D is still along way off being bombproof and more extreme FG is needed! Also, lots more riding in new situations and by ourselves by gradual degrees. If I'm honest, I was a bit disappointed with D on the one hand as I thought he'd got a bit further in his confidence but I was more frustrated with myself for not setting him up for success.

The great news was that the saddle stayed securely in place - and so did I!! It fitted, hurrah! I have to say, I felt great riding in a saddle again.

I must admit, after LH had gone, I said to E that I was going to go back up the field and "sort things out" with D. However, fortunately I recognised this was NOT a Good Idea! In my frame of mind, it might have turned into a battle or I could have put too much pressure on D and made things worse. What I did do was go into the little paddock and let D graze while I sat on his back and he went very sweetly from point to point when I asked so we finished the day on very good terms with each other and D watched me avidly as I left. Ahh.

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