Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ride no 21 - by myself in the field (2nd time)

Mon 5th April 2010

Luckily a bank hol so Rich had Ed (no pre-school) but it was late when I got there - 6pm. Got D ready inc saddle and walked up to the top field where I walked him round with me whilst I put the cones out. I had 2 along the road hedge, 1 along the church walk side and a bin by the trough and 4 more joining these to make a circle (giving the dogs a wide berth). Had a brain wave re putting cones in the middle - aha just had another brain wave re working towards the question box!!!

Well, D was NOT impressed! He pulled lots of faces and looked thoroughly grumpy. He gets a little wrinkle above his eyelids when he's grumpy! I walked or trotted between the cones doing touch it for a reward. D shook his head dominantly and tried to pull away from me a few times and was very spirited generally. After doing the entry re riding in the field for the saddler, I'd been wondering how much of this was LB and how much RB. This was LB behaviour but there is an underlying anxiety/skepticism causing him to make it clear that he is NOT up for playing!

I think he has been at the point of disliking schooling/lessons/arena riding in the past, perhaps even getting to hate it. Whether this was because it was boring, confusing or uncomfortable or a combination of the above, I will probably never know but to see his attitude transform over yesterday's session was an absolute joy!

To stop him rushing, I was doing a little trot followed by halt and back up He hadn't really simmered down completely when I got on but M was coming up to join us which I knew D would find a comfort and D had started to look at bit more engaged and was pricking his ears forward with his sweet pony enjoying himself face. I knew he wasn't going to throw a wobbly anyway.

He was grumpy when i got on and I did then think I should have got off and got on again but during the rub whilst I thought this, D cheered up and started to walk off! BUT...his intention was to go out through the gateway and down to the bottom field!!! Aha, thought I, we are not going to do ANY passenger today! No, no no. I must not let D think he can take me off where he wants at this stage in our relationship! So, there was quite a bit of flexing and disengaging just to get him to stand still and turn away from the gate but each time he made a good choice i relaxed very obviously and rubbed acting as tough I had all the time in the world.

D was very bracey and I could literally see the thoughts going round in his brain expressed on his face! I just kept rubbing and then very gently asked him to go to a cone. He was very sticky to start off with - more so than the first time I did this (before the saddler) but I persevered gently. Even the wip wop I had to do a couple of times, I did gently. I wonder if he was waiting for me to be bracey with him but when I didn't he started to feel OK.

Gradually, he got less and less sticky. I did the same pattern between cones. Walk, halt, back up, walk on, touch it, treat. I crossed across the field more than just going round the edge. He kept trying to drift towards the gate and made a couple more efforts to go off down there but they were half-hearted which was encouraging.

At the end, D was ears pricked really enjoying himself. In fact, when I gave the "grass" verbal cue, he ate for a short while then lifted his head and made for the nearest cone! I had to start guiding as no passengering at the mo and then we did a few more but I really wanted to finish so, during the next graze, I quickly hopped off!

Really delighted and this has confirmed too that lots of transitions are needed. Also reminded me that the way to a good stop is LOTS of back-up! Yay, I'd forgotten that! I started to really feel the different shapes my seat made when I stopped to asking for a walk on.

So, another 5 times on this pattern and we should be getting it going good. maybe even trotting between cones!

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