Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ride no 20 - hit my 20 hours riding!! First ride in saddle (Scarletts Lake)

Thurs 1st April 2010

Whoo Hoo! Our 20th ride (20 hours riding needed to qualify to go on a Parelli course) and first ride "under saddle". It felt great to be riding in the saddle, tho' a bit strange and perched to start with. It slipped a little to the left but that's to be expected as D is a bit wonky - what unfit horse isnt?!

Firstly, I didn't ride on the Mon as had the dreaded "Vomiting Virus" Sun night and spent all Mon in bed, R took the day off bless him. Probably the rigours of the NCT sale Fri/Sat as no-one else got it! So I was bursting to try the saddle and was not disappointed. Walked my usual stretch and got on at the bank. D rather disrespectful scoffing grass. Let it go but made a mental note to start working on this now he's used to me getting on.

D was in boots with new pads and seemed very happy in them though not as sprightly as the first occasion he wore them! Did a bit of trotting. I'd wondered if I might be able to get him to soften by flexing him as I really don't like the way he braces his neck when he's trotting (tempted to start using a bridle for some refinement). He was bemused by this so I let it go - need to have a think about this.

Writing later, I have thought about this and the first rule with any horse is to get them going forwards, then work on straightness and flexion. Soooo, add in the equally important skill of learning to slow D from my seat without touching the reins and I realise I'm a bit off needing a bridle yet. Need to do lots of transitions and really get him off the leg, slowing to the seat and bending before trying to refine things further. My time with Zebs really taught me the importance of getting the HQs coming underneath before asking for any engagement. Need to keep that in mind as D very similar. Could easily shut him down if I try to start asking him to work in an outline too early.

Great ride, D led the way over the raging torrent bridge and was altogether nice and bold today. I was thoroughly delighted. I rustled my coat a few times periodically and when he trotted I kept just saying "wa-lk" and shutting down with my seat and also catching his eye which helps a lot. I really noticed today that he gets anxious when he gets left behind M and the rushes to catch up. Chatted to S about it and she thought it was probably habitual as that's what he's always done when led and knows he shouldn't get left behind. Lovely weather today so a great time had by all!

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