Friday 14 January 2011

Little devil to angelic being!

I've had two interesting situations with Duncs in the past fortnight.

My first was Thurs 6th Jan when I took D to Pippa's in the pouring rain. I had a lesson on Rosie first, putting Duncs in his usual stable. He was NOT happy about that (he usually works first) and was banging on the door to come out when I put Rosie away.

I did some work on the ground and then got on. Duncs went straight to a puddle and started pawing energetically into it. "Ahh", I thought, "He's in a playful mood. How nice"! How wrong can you be, he was in a highly AGITATED mood! Things went from worse to worserer, culminating in his "Frozen to The Spot" act, flinching violently at the slightest touch..... My "Time to Get Off" act!

Once I was on the ground, he felt safe enough to express himself and let me know in no uncertain terms that he wanted to go home! It didn't help that Moet kept calling from up the road which Duncs returned in piercing tones. The outcome was that I exercised Duncs' body (which was surprisingly obedient!), but not his mind which remained elsewhere throughout the whole session!

The really positive outcome was that I didn't think "This is a disaster/a reflection of the sorry state of our relationship/a sign that everything is falling apart!" No, I very sensibly thought "That was just a NOT SO GOOD day!" We all have them, move on......

The other incident was when taking D down the Scout Camp track past Jack, a big feisty black dressage horse, who is now turned out in a field adjoining the track. When he and Duncs see each other, there is a ripple of excitement between them. How they would love to play together!

Duncs was actually pretty good going past Jack...he contained himself even though he was bursting with energy. Then we stopped for a snack....When I asked D to go home, he had a huge tantrum, plunging and kicking out at me before trying to barge through me to get back to the hay remnants he had been munching near a gateway. I'm afraid I slipped into "Old Lucy" autopilot and shouted, yanked and beat at him with my fists! It worked though and Duncs was actually very contrite! HOW INTERESTING!

On the way home, he was trying to get in front of me but, as my mettle was up, I kept blocking him with my C/S instead of letting him jog on and sending him into sideways or squeezes. This also had a remarkable effect! Duncs became very submissive and calm. HOW INTERESTING! I'm onto something again.....more on this later.

Now for the "Angel" part you've been waiting for (What? You haven't? You prefer reading about the naughty bits?!)

I took Duncs to Pippa's yesterday, Thurs 13th Jan and he was FAB! I remembered to give him a purpose, reward the slightest try (which is still a clumsy effort on my part but the thought was there!) and did lots of "Let Me Help Yous" with particular regard to flexion and stopping for a rest. Another revelation, I need to ride Duncs with his head up and nose out much more to get him forward. He is just like Zebedee in that respect, apt to go behind the bit and drag himself along with his shoulders. Wow, I felt the surge of power when I got him really stepping through with his head up.

I will never forget being stunned by Zebedee's extended trot (loose in the school, being demonstrated for me by his heavily pregnant owner after I complained he had a short stride!!). What I realised then was the lift the horse has to have through it's shoulders to achieve this. Us amateurs can ruin a horses stride by asking them to go "round" before they are truly forward!

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