Friday 24 September 2010

Thanks for the insult!

Monday 20th Sept 2010

Oh dear, seem to be in a permanent rush at the moment. We've got an extension being built and there's so much to do at home, and with Edmund (my 3 yr old). Really, it's about prioritising and after this day, I vowed I would go to the horses STRAIGHT after dropping Ed at pre-school, no diversions or deviations. On the first occasion after this pledge, I broke it! I realise i am good at making pledges and then, lets say, "reconsidering" them!

So, Mon pm, only had an hour. D trotted over to me and followed me about. Then I tacked up and put the 22' lines on. I only got to the end of the road due to lack of time but worked on getting D to be more responsive and eat less!

D's eating has now become a problem when I'm in Zone 5. It's hard to get him to leave the grass once I've said it's OK to graze (or he's taken the opportunity to stick his head down when I'm distracted!). I was flapping the ropes on his side but that is not effective - he was becoming desensitised to that. I have now taken to sending a bump down the line then tapping him on the bum with a twig as Ph 4 which seems to prove uncomfortable enough for him to shift it!

Not enough time to contemplate hopping on, In fact, I was trotting where I could to make up a bit of time! Then, as we were trotting back past the local arena, I heard " You're Mad! You wanna get yourself a Proper Pony!"

I just waved in a jolly fashion whilst continuing to trot along but my immediate thought was "You won't say that when we're competing at Olympia!" (fortunately I did not actually utter this childish response!)

What I really found interesting - and pleasing - about this episode was how defensive I felt towards Duncan. Obviously, I am a hopeless dreamer hence me imagining us in the Mountain & Moorland at the biggest showing event of the year! But...who knows..maybe when Duncan's about 20....although it will have to be in the veteran class because he's not actually a registered New Forest pony. Yes, I can see the book now, then the film......

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