Tuesday 7 September 2010

First ride in months!! Yoo Hoo!

Thurs 2nd Sept 2010

S and I went out round Scarletts lake. I wanted to go on a road ride as it's been so long, the woods would have been too Whey Hey!

Duncs VERY keen, I walked at first as per usual. This is SO required to take the edge off him. He was not fussed about me getting on but boy, was he tense for the first 5 mins. Unexploded bomb under me or what. I hate that feeling! I was trying to work out if he was uncomfortable or just tense. Turned out to be the latter - I could tell when he relaxed!

We met a New Forest pony of only 5 with a cart behind him (thankfully stationary as we approached). I shot off D at the first sight of it but, as it stopped, D wasn't too OTT. Mind you, he had a good goggle and we were encouraged by the driver and passenger to walk D round it an have a good look. Their pony was a bit wide-eyed behind his blinkers and had only been driving 2 weeks so I was a bit worried about spooking him!

We all had a very interesting conversation about driving - which Rob was starting to work towards with D before I came along. I actually think it would really suit D as he's much better with me pushing him on from behind that walking next to him - and obviously there wouldn't be anyone on his back to worry about! He could be a bit sharp of course but experienced drivers are used to that.

I hopped back on whilst the talking was going on. I could see the couples' interest in D - being a NF too. He was looking very handsome that day so I felt very well "horsed"!

Great to be back on board. Really looking forward to my next ride but also conscious that D really needs some suppling exercises as he's not as responsive as he should be.Plotting to hire a school again but this time take Moet with me!!

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