Tuesday 7 September 2010

Business is resumed! August Bank Holiday walk

30th August 2010

I got time off for good behaviour to go and play with Duncs today. I hadn't seen him for weeks and I guess all horse lovers live for the day when you can look forward to a romantic reunion with your horse. Instant recognition - then he comes galloping towards you whinnying!

Well there was instant recognition alright but, in true Duncan style, it was "What are you doing here?!" He became super alert and stood stock still staring at me. Then he moved behind Moet!! Oh dear, luckily I'm not easily hurt. I know it's feedback but, it's also the fact that he's super skeptical which is just a facet of his horsenality. The next meeting (after he realised I was back on the scene to take him out which means EATING!), he was much warmer and by the 3rd came trotting over. Talk about cupboard love!

So, we went for a walk and D was so up for it we went into the left woods, past the "secret garden" and into the "new forest" which is a large field where the fence has fallen down which reminds me of the NF and perhaps D too as he's always keen to get in there! It was all about the grass today. I am just a vehicle to go out grazing to Duncs. This is obviously very good for rapport but not so good for respect as he has food constantly on the brain and gets the hump if you want him to stop eating!

I was very pleased at how calm and up-for-it he was. Came out of the woods a bit quicker but looking pretty relaxed. I'm now trying to drive from Z5 with one rope (as I've read that if you don't master this, you micromanage with 2 ropes which makes sense - but I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing! We are getting along in a fashion though so that's OK!

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