Friday 24 September 2010

Oh Wow, Somethings Happening!

Friday 24th Sept 2010

Something happened today which blew me away. You have to know Duncs and how reserved and self-sufficient he is to know what a big deal this was, but I will try to explain.

As usual, had very little time. Not even enough time to go out. Decided to get some stuff out and play in the field. I let M out with D but they didn't play, Duncan was fixated with what I was doing. I chucked the big green ball over the gate and he came straight over and started pawing it. Rather gung-ho, I got the big white bag out and chucked that over too. Moet was the one who took most exception to this and both horses galloped off to the back field in fright.

Then....Duncan came back!!! He cantered back down alone, and trumpet called to me with great urgency. My immediate response was to call to him "It's alright, I'm here!" He stopped and stared at me with his legs splayed apart in a scared brace before wheeling back and forth.

I climbed over the gate and D came over and then seemed to calm down to the point that I got the bag and dragged it further up the field with him following me. He quickly remembered the game and began biting the bag and tossing it about, later trampling on it (took a picture). In those moments, it's easy to imagine D to be LBE but his confidence is actually quite fragile and has taken a long time to build which I mustn't forget. I did forget later and opened the umbrella rather suddenly (it was pouring) which gave D palpitations. Project for another day.

We played with the ball, trotting about after it which made Duncs so excited that he ran off and had a rough game with Moet after which he decided the grass was more interesting than me!

I was nearly out of time so I went to find him and gave him lots of scratches interspersed with drawing him to me at trot (not done at liberty before!) He got this nicely, only overstepped the mark with a face twice which I ignored (as in, I didn't get emotional over). I just reiterated a bit more firmly where he needed to stop and that he wouldn't get a scratch or treat until his face was polite!

Wow, I can feel things are really changing now. Duncan has never called to me in 2 years! I'm not sure if it was "Where are you my baby?!" or "Where are you my leader?!" but it felt really good as it told me for sure that Yesterday, I did OK. The relationship is intact. Better than that, we really do have a relationship!!!

A bit of a set-to & the first winner of the Savvy Spot!

Thurs 23rd Sept 2010

I love Thursdays! I have more time and therefore it's usually a good, or at least interesting, day!

Firstly. I must apologise to Petra from Savvy Central who has left 3 encouraging and constructive comments on my blog without me realising. Sorry, Petra, I didn't know they were there! I found them when I was looking at my blog list for editing. Thanks for your input and advice.

Today, I was greeted warmly by Duncs who was bursting to go out. There was the matter of a crate with a piece of blue paper flapping from it in the garden to negotiate but he went past calmly after a few mins approach & retreat.

We went p to the village hall car park where, in between snacks, we worked on lateral flexion, turns, standing still and back up. Turns are bad, particularly to the right. Realised I'm being a bit lazy and need to do a lot more flexing with him (spurred on by the latest S/C DVD where Linda demos partial disengagement).

Off down to the BIG WOODS. Actually, D prefers the Big Woods to the Little Woods - but only up to the part where it gets a bit dark by the Secret Garden! He went into the woods path of his own volition, stuffing his face with bracken (he's not up on his poisonous plants!) as he went.

He was forward going in the woods but I didn't get that this was more RBE than RBI until I asked him to stop and flex outside the Secret Garden. Then Duncs decided he'd rather go home! He's swift on the turn, leaving me somewhere in Z3 but I've learnt I need to nip back behind him quickly to avoid a tangle of ropes and emotion. Once back at the bum, I take a minute to calm down and assess the right time to ask him to go on and turn round again.

On this occasion, when I asked him to turn round he gave me the "Two Heels Up" sign with a mardy face to match. Rather than think Uh Oh! Where's this going to end, I was actually LB enough to think in a stern-mum sort of way" That is not acceptable behaviour Duncan!" "You can retreat but we're not leaving here until you've calmed down a bit!"

So began what I later described as a "bit of a set-to". Many, many partial disengagements and sideways later, D was a lot more respectful and a bit calmer. He still left the woods fairly quickly but was still listening to me. I was able to ask him to slow down and wait for me, for example.

Out on the road, I asked him to turn away from home and got another tantrum. OK, we will go home, I the trot! Back and forth we went interspersed by falling leaf. Sideways to the right (yielding the left side) was very sticky and D kept surging forwards, trying to climb the bank - and snatch foliage at the same time!! I started with a huge vertical rope wiggle - which I then remembered is not the most effective in this situation as D gets all worried about being clonked in the face rather than what I'm asking him to do. Instead, I grabbed him under his chin, a la BHS style and prevented him going forwards which he understood straight away.

What seemed to blow his mind was that I kept exclaiming "Good Boy!" at his spectacular sideways and giving him a treat. He really seemed unsure of how to respond - there were certainly no mardy faces anyway. He went home faster than normal but looked happy enough.

What I was most pleased with this day was, although I'm sure I made lots of mistakes in my timing, reading Duncs and phases, I didn't get emotional. That's a huge shift for me. I've always found it really hard to match RBE energy without getting tense. I must admit though it was an uncomfortable session, full of self-doubt if I'm honest. I left Duncs thinking "I felt Ok about that but Tomorrow, Duncan will tell me whether I got it right or not!

The Savvy Spot!
I am proud to announce that I was awarded the Savvy Spot by my "Horsey Girls" last night (although one of our four was missing!). This is a new award to be conferred upon the person considered to have made the most progress - either emotionally or physically - between one meeting and the next. I have to say, I was as excited as if I'd won as Oscar!

I received the award for advancement in my understanding of thresholds which I will sum up in a small nugget;

Don't push your horse over the threshold. Wait or retreat and move their feet behind the threshold until they are happy to go on.

Ah, the sweet smell of success!!!!!! "I'd like to thank my horse, my husband, my producer, my agent..........................

Thanks for the insult!

Monday 20th Sept 2010

Oh dear, seem to be in a permanent rush at the moment. We've got an extension being built and there's so much to do at home, and with Edmund (my 3 yr old). Really, it's about prioritising and after this day, I vowed I would go to the horses STRAIGHT after dropping Ed at pre-school, no diversions or deviations. On the first occasion after this pledge, I broke it! I realise i am good at making pledges and then, lets say, "reconsidering" them!

So, Mon pm, only had an hour. D trotted over to me and followed me about. Then I tacked up and put the 22' lines on. I only got to the end of the road due to lack of time but worked on getting D to be more responsive and eat less!

D's eating has now become a problem when I'm in Zone 5. It's hard to get him to leave the grass once I've said it's OK to graze (or he's taken the opportunity to stick his head down when I'm distracted!). I was flapping the ropes on his side but that is not effective - he was becoming desensitised to that. I have now taken to sending a bump down the line then tapping him on the bum with a twig as Ph 4 which seems to prove uncomfortable enough for him to shift it!

Not enough time to contemplate hopping on, In fact, I was trotting where I could to make up a bit of time! Then, as we were trotting back past the local arena, I heard " You're Mad! You wanna get yourself a Proper Pony!"

I just waved in a jolly fashion whilst continuing to trot along but my immediate thought was "You won't say that when we're competing at Olympia!" (fortunately I did not actually utter this childish response!)

What I really found interesting - and pleasing - about this episode was how defensive I felt towards Duncan. Obviously, I am a hopeless dreamer hence me imagining us in the Mountain & Moorland at the biggest showing event of the year! But...who knows..maybe when Duncan's about 20....although it will have to be in the veteran class because he's not actually a registered New Forest pony. Yes, I can see the book now, then the film......

Happy Anniversay Blog! Birthday present ride

Thurs Sept 16th 2010

I don't know what's going on with my memory at the moment but it's shocking how little I can remember even a week later! I do know that I wrote on a little bit of paper - which I now can't find - "Update Blog, Duncan trotting towards me!"

Since resuming contact after my enforced summer break, D seems to be getting keener on me! Until today (24th Sept) I assumed this was pure cupboard love as I always take him out for grass. However something happened today which completely blew me away! Hah, you'll have to keep reading now to find out what it was!! Oh bother, no you won't, you'll probably have read about it already if you started at the top. So much for keeping the reader in suspense!

Anyway, all I have been doing is zone 5 driving, going out down the road then into woods or down towards the scout camp. A couple of visits have been so brief, I've only had time to go up and down the road. He obviously really enjoys going out and will actually come over to the gate to be tacked up loose. No face pulling. He's less confident about the saddle and usually turns zone 1 away a quarter turn but after a bit of sniffing and swinging it off & on, he's OK.

My birthday was really nice as I had more time than usual and it was a lovely day. We went right to the bottom of the Scout Camp track with few thresholds but we were going really slowly. I'm pleased to say D is showing a lot less interest in the other horses (unless they cavort around!) He was doing a lot of munching and I was finding my rope flapping rather ineffective to get him to desist eating so I ended up breaking a twig off a tree. I could carry a carrot stick of course but what with the 2 ropes and the dog to reel in off her extendable lead attached to the back of my waist, I've got my hands pretty full!

The twig worked a treat although I forgot to desensitise him with FG first. Oops.....he was a bit startled at first. Then he realised it was edible! All went so well that I got on were the track forks on the way back. soon as I got on, D braced. I just sat and rubbed. He was holding it together rather than relaxing - evident not only by his posture but also goggling at a water trough that he never usually looks at. I decided to let him eat as that's a great relaxant if he's not too far gone. It did the trick nicely!

Had an embarrassing moment when the postman came down the drive and wanted to turn into a house in front of us. Flick was right in his path. I called and called, my tone ranging from wheedling to exasperated but she wouldn't come! I was very reluctant to get off as I'd only just got on! Luckily for me the postman decided to leave his van where it was and walk down the drive!!

I rode D almost back home (don't get too excited, it's only a 2 min walk!) but had to get off - to get Flick - when another car came further up. Very inconvenient! If I knew when I was going to ride, I could leave Flick behind but as I'm mostly on foot with no guarantee of getting on board, it seems a waste to walk Duncan then have to walk Flick afterwards!

That was a really good day..................

Thursday 16 September 2010

The "Just a bit more" syndrome

I am not going to try to remember exactly what I did on different days here as I've got behind and just need to catch up! More particularly, I need to write about my "Just a bit more syndrome".

When I got the first lightbulb, I felt rather pleased with myself , thinking I'd got "it" all sussed out. Probably just as well I didn't blog then although it would have been interesting to revisit my feelings at the time. The next visit was a terrible one and I ended up feeling angry with myself - and with Duncan - and then I felt I didn't know what the hell I was thinking about!!

This is how it happened:

I took D into the "Big Woods" with the hope of getting a bit further than the last time. My long term hope is to be able to walk to meet Amy and hopefully ride with her as Moet is out of action at the moment and may be for some time. (I NEED a hacking partner so I don't die of boredom!).

I digress, D went past the Secret Garden, past the New Forest (rather an unseemly wrestle to get him to leave the grass there!) and up to the pinch point entrance which I always think of as the "Crocodile Spot" (long story....D had a very long stand-off there once which reminded me of Ollie whenever he passed a log which looked like a crocodile when we were in Kent. Yes, I know this is a barmy and extremely tenuous connection but there it is!).

Past the crocodile and into the shade of the woods. Mm, we'd been through about 3 thresholds to get here and D was "eyes about!" True to his conservative RBI nature, he was not moving is feet but his brain was working overtime!

What did I do? Whilst pausing here my mind was already thinking "Right, just a bit more!" "Let's get to the other side of the glade and then we'll go back!" Fortunately, something stopped me (probably the fact D was continuing to goggle!) and I suddenly thought "WHY?!"

WHY do I always need to ask for "Just a little bit more"? I really don't know! Or perhaps I do know. I think it's partly:

1. A residue from my traditional training where you always aim to get the horse to finish the exercise "well" - which usually means drilling them. And it's got to be on your terms or the horse has "got away with it" i.e. whatever wasn't going so well!
2. I am comfortable pushing myself where my mind is telling me not to go (fear). I want to make progress and I know that a lot of my fear is just baggage from the past which I do not want to heap on to the present situation/horse.

One perfect example of this was with Ollie. I was always nervous in open spaces on him as he had a lot of "Go" and I thought of what could happen based upon things that had happened on other horses in my past. Ollie himself never gave me any cause to be nervous. It was my baggage and mine alone. So, I would feel the fear and do it anyway and do my damnedest to make sure Ollie didn't feel it too. I guess I'd liken it to the parent with a phobia who is determined not to pass it on to her child!

Getting back to this particular day, looking across to the tempting far side of the glade.....I had a revelation that I didn't actually need to go there!

Then I reflected upon just how many times I'd insisted on "just a bit more" when Duncan had actually already given me one hell of a lot! So there it was - my illuminating lightbulb. There and then I decided to experiment with this and - forthwith - retreat after 2 major thresholds had been passed.

Great! So good in fact that I rode D back up the road when I got there and he was totally chilled. To demonstrate this, he walked over to a bright sign attached to a tree, sniffed it then turned his head round for the anticipated treat! I felt fantastic that he was LB with me on his back ALL ALONE!

I feel like a cuppa at this point but will continue to the bitter end now! My next visit was not so successful ("Oh Dear" moment following....):

I dashed up with one hour to spare....... Spot the first mistake!.....Chucked the tack on and hurried off the property.

Duncan was spooky but I was in a hurry and was hoping to get and ride back again....Yes, here's the second!....

He didn't even want to go as far as the cricket field. This is not even half as far as he went the time before!!! Yes, yes, I know it was windy and both the horses were flighty that day but come on....I only wanted to get to the end of the road for goodness sake!

I got to the end of the road, completely forgetting about my previous pledge. It didn't apply that day because Duncan was being unreasonable spooky and we were never going to get ANYWHERE if he wouldn't feel the fear and do it anyway!! Oh, and add to that I'm so BORED with this silly behaviour. Can't we just go out, actually go somewhere and have some fun?!!!

Ahh, all the emotions...I can recall them more easily now but I was pretty mad back then! I thought/raged:
  • How on earth do people get these sort of horses to hack out alone?
  • Surely, despite my pledge re the 2 threshold thing, I can't be expected to honour it on a day when D won't even walk up the road?
  • Surely he has to be "made" to go a bit further? It can't be right that I say, "That's OK, let's go home" when he's barely got out?
  • Won't this end up with us not even getting out of the gate?!!!

Whoah! I felt so muddled up. I was going to put a negative post on KIN - something like "Help! How long does it take?!" I didn't get time to post and now Time, that old healer, has straightened my head up and I see all my mistakes clearly. Plus....I had a really good ride today!!!

Thursday 9 September 2010

Zone 5 driving - interesting!

I realised I missed out recounting a walk out which D and I did. I took him out on foot with his saddle and bridle on and one 22' line. We went down the lane to the Scout Camp.

D pretty relaxed and went down further than on previous occasions without getting RB. Then....there was a strange squeaking coupled with barking and the horses in the field next to us took off. D's tail kinked straight up. It's really comical - as soon as his adrenalin comes up his tail shoots up in the air. I was standing behind him the other day when it shot up vertical and I actually pushed it back down like a lever!! I don't know why I did that but I was laughing so I was obviously tickled by it!

Stranger still, when I pushed the tail back down his adrenalin dropped immediately! One to experiment with as I've also noticed that stroking his tail calms him too.

Back to the squeaks and barks....a chap was coming up the lane with a bicycle and a terrier. There was a pause of a few seconds as D watched the other horses when I thought "Great! He's not going to respond". Then D went into stallion mode, let out a huge snort, and pranced up the lane sideways! What was different was that I found it quite amusing whereas in the past I have found it scary! I guess that old teacher, experience, has shown me that:

  • I can keep hold of D when he's like that (control would be putting it too strongly!)
  • He's not out to hurt me and tries to avoid treading on, or pushing into, me
  • It doesn't last long!

Now, before D got high on adrenalin, I had pushed him on past about 6 thresholds. Each time I waited him out then asked him on when he relaxed. I mention the number as this is relevant to a later blog! I was actually wanting to go right to the bottom of the lane - aha - MY GOAL!! More on this later......

Tuesday 7 September 2010

First ride in months!! Yoo Hoo!

Thurs 2nd Sept 2010

S and I went out round Scarletts lake. I wanted to go on a road ride as it's been so long, the woods would have been too Whey Hey!

Duncs VERY keen, I walked at first as per usual. This is SO required to take the edge off him. He was not fussed about me getting on but boy, was he tense for the first 5 mins. Unexploded bomb under me or what. I hate that feeling! I was trying to work out if he was uncomfortable or just tense. Turned out to be the latter - I could tell when he relaxed!

We met a New Forest pony of only 5 with a cart behind him (thankfully stationary as we approached). I shot off D at the first sight of it but, as it stopped, D wasn't too OTT. Mind you, he had a good goggle and we were encouraged by the driver and passenger to walk D round it an have a good look. Their pony was a bit wide-eyed behind his blinkers and had only been driving 2 weeks so I was a bit worried about spooking him!

We all had a very interesting conversation about driving - which Rob was starting to work towards with D before I came along. I actually think it would really suit D as he's much better with me pushing him on from behind that walking next to him - and obviously there wouldn't be anyone on his back to worry about! He could be a bit sharp of course but experienced drivers are used to that.

I hopped back on whilst the talking was going on. I could see the couples' interest in D - being a NF too. He was looking very handsome that day so I felt very well "horsed"!

Great to be back on board. Really looking forward to my next ride but also conscious that D really needs some suppling exercises as he's not as responsive as he should be.Plotting to hire a school again but this time take Moet with me!!

Business is resumed! August Bank Holiday walk

30th August 2010

I got time off for good behaviour to go and play with Duncs today. I hadn't seen him for weeks and I guess all horse lovers live for the day when you can look forward to a romantic reunion with your horse. Instant recognition - then he comes galloping towards you whinnying!

Well there was instant recognition alright but, in true Duncan style, it was "What are you doing here?!" He became super alert and stood stock still staring at me. Then he moved behind Moet!! Oh dear, luckily I'm not easily hurt. I know it's feedback but, it's also the fact that he's super skeptical which is just a facet of his horsenality. The next meeting (after he realised I was back on the scene to take him out which means EATING!), he was much warmer and by the 3rd came trotting over. Talk about cupboard love!

So, we went for a walk and D was so up for it we went into the left woods, past the "secret garden" and into the "new forest" which is a large field where the fence has fallen down which reminds me of the NF and perhaps D too as he's always keen to get in there! It was all about the grass today. I am just a vehicle to go out grazing to Duncs. This is obviously very good for rapport but not so good for respect as he has food constantly on the brain and gets the hump if you want him to stop eating!

I was very pleased at how calm and up-for-it he was. Came out of the woods a bit quicker but looking pretty relaxed. I'm now trying to drive from Z5 with one rope (as I've read that if you don't master this, you micromanage with 2 ropes which makes sense - but I'm still not entirely sure what I'm doing! We are getting along in a fashion though so that's OK!

Terris workshop 26th June 2010

Well, here I am writing on 7th September!

Not a lot has happened, however, apart from the above weekend as I had to take a break from Duncs over the holidays due to my Philpots work, building work prep and having Ed around.

We took D over on the Friday evening - late! He loaded great - S talked me through as I'm still a bit wary loading. Felt good to do it myself. Funnily enough, I'm always fine loading to go home! I suppose it's general nerves/excitement over the activity to come.

Got there about 9ish on the Saturday and a day of fun ensued! I can't now remember everything we did but a few things stand out:

  • D was a lot calmer than on previous excursions
  • I got to ride!!!
  • D was unconfident away from the other horses (e.g. in school when another horse left)
  • He was unconfident about me mounting - until I put the bridle on (?!)
  • I did not like riding with very long reins!!
  • I don't know how to do zone 5 driving with only 1 line!
So, to comment on the above randomly; top - of course - was getting to ride which I did in one of the round pens after lunch. I even trotted round on a long rein (T threatened to take them off if I held them short which was definitely an effective phase 4 threat for me!)

What was very weird was, before lunch, I sat on D and he felt so tense and braced I didn't dare ask him to move!! Just sat and rubbed and chilled. After lunch I asked if I could put the bridle on and T agreed (but not without question, quite rightly). What a difference. D was so much more relaxed that I walked and trotted in the pen and even came out and rode round with all the others! Now, I figure the possible reasons for this are:
  1. It is all in my mind. I'm the one who relaxes when the bridle is on!
  2. D knows what is expected when the bridle is on
  3. D is actually not that happy in the bridle & fiddles with it constantly which provides a distraction from what I'm doing!

I actually reckon that it's all three. You might think I was unhappy with this, particularly 1 & 3 above, and ought to persevere with the hackamore but, as safety is my absolute number one priority, I am going to carry on with the bridle until we're both relaxed enough to dispense with it! I've obviously got to watch my contact though!!

I had a great time and went back sun to pick D up. It was boiling hot and, although I'd planned to have a play, I didn't have the energy or inclination so back home we came.

I'm trying to think what I did after this clinic , nothing I think as, by the time the second workshop was coming round (26th July), I'd barely had time to touch D and was getting stressed about lack of prep. In the end I decided to cancel and felt a lot better for deciding to put D on the back burner until after the summer hols.