Wednesday 3 February 2010

Ride no 8, exciting news and a few tests

Weds 3rd Feb 2010

Well, the exciting news is that I'm doing a one day course with Duncs at Terri's at the end of July (on the wait list for June one which filled up overnight!). Really excited already. Sharon ok'd it so now we just have to hope everyone's fit and transport's ok etc. etc.

We went into the woods this morning. Duncs was a bit slow going out or, rather, not bouncing. This may be due to his feet as he was different in the woods then back to slow on the tarmac! I got on at the bank by the cricket pitch (D tried to follow me up first!) and I rubbed for a while, flexed then asked him to walk on. S had the rope but after we got a short way, I took it.

The first test happened when D scraped me through a branch - ouch. I grabbed my face and exclaimed and D stopped and looked round at me! Whatta boy! I gave him a treat for that. In fact, at the moment, I am encouraging him to look to me for a rub and/or treat as it is such an easy and positive way to keep him focused on me and feeling good about what we're doing.

D bobbed along in a sprightly fashion, jogging quite a lot when he wanted to but I was able to slow him down with my seat and tested a few bending to a stop -all good.

The next test was when D decided he did not want to turn towards home (the route was downhill so maybe that was why). He did the neck brace that he used on me in the field that time. I was able to stop him traversing in his chosen direction and bend him round back towards Moet. S asked if she should walk on and I said no just in case suddenly decided to catch up fast!

I was pleased as I was able to disengage his HQ so that we were facing S and casually undo my rope and go slowly to ph 4 at which he took a step in the right direction and I immediately released and rubbed. The next ask, I only got to the rope on my body and he was off.

I then got a bit wobbly going down the hill, it was so slippery and D was jogging, I was really scared he'd fall (memories of Sasha messing with my mind!) I said "I don't feel very safe, sorry!" I was going to get off and walk but S took the rope and slowed him down - he did some of the hill sideways! Once at the bottom, I took my rope back and all went swimmingly after that.

I noticed D is not bothered by anything against my legs but if branches brush my hat he's a bit wary. I'm sure he'll get used to that. When I lean forward to go under branches he doesn't get faster which is great and actually is inclined to slow down and look at me. He does feel a bit stiff at times, he walks in a bit of a banana shape a lot of the time (bent right a fair bit today) but does respond when you straighten him. I was trying to remember all the time "Eyes, belly button, seat, legs, rein.

All in all a great ride again and we're feeling more confident each time. I still find that, if D does a spring forward, I bounce backwards on the BB pad which makes me laugh! I need more weight in my seat, probably need to hold my stomach tauter, will experiment tomorrow!

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