Monday 15 February 2010

I rode BY MYSELF!!! Ride no 11 (only 15 minutes!) Sore Feet :(

Sunday 14th February 2010

S and I were going to ride together but plans got a bit mixed up so I ended up on my own. As S says, things happen for a reason (OK maybe this was only a small "thing", us not meeting but there was a good result! The dog got a walk too as I was on the ground). As it turned out, D was very footy so a proper ride would have been out of the question. He looked really lame as he stood by the shed. I found a stone in his near fore but, as this is the hoof he's been delicate on before, I don't know if that was just coincidence. When I walked him about he looked OK but definitely stepping short. Decided to go for a walk and see how he was on the tarmac.

I got D ready - with saddle on! How cool, the new girth I bought Ollie before he went away (which I never got to use) fits D. Ollie was 2 hands bigger than Duncs so that's a real result! D was keen to go out but a bit unconfident. He kept stopping but held his nerve each time and walked on of his own accord when he was reassured that there were no monsters about. I just act as 'though there's nothing doing each time he stops. Usually I chat a bit, stroke a bit and cock a leg! Poor old D, I could see his feet were a bit sore. I trotted him to have a look and he looked short but happy enough in himself - so I let him be my guide.

At the bank by the cricket field, I prepared to get on but, as I was lying over, I could see D was not relaxed and was goggling into the distance rather than focusing on me. Common sense tells me that would not be a good time to get on! So, off we went into the woods. D great, marching along. At the bottom of the track was a brood mare and foal. D's tail went up but my adrenalin didn't, I'm glad to say. I now know that I can control him on the ground if he gets high. He tends to want to stand on top of me so I'm mainly getting him out of my space. He calmed down very quickly but the mare seemed to get more excited and went for a trot about so I though we'd better be off (she was heavily pregnant). D didn't mind leaving at all and was not joggy as we left.

I got on him at the bank on the way back and he was fine with it - waited for his treat afterwards of course, Then I just sat there and waited, rubbing. It seemed lie a while but it was only about a minute before he set off of his own accord. I noticed 2 tings straight away. 1. How footy he was - and he tripped a couple of times going downhill and 2. How far forward the saddle was and I was riding downhill (no pressure on withers but it would have been loading his shoulders). I was tempted to get off but D's ears were pricked and he wasn't distressed so I stayed on.

How sweet, he kept asking me questions about whether we could stop (for a snack!) and I kept saying no and steering him straight again. To my surprise he didn't once try to outmanoeuvre me or dive so I rewarded him a bit further on with my "grass" instruction! Going up the hill, he felt a lot better as he was obviously able to push himself up with his HQs. I tried putting my feet in the stirrups - so alien now - which tipped my weight back a bit as they were jockey short (not intentional!). D put his head down and got a lovely stride going and I sat holding my reins on the "buckle" feeling like we'd been riding together forever! What a lovely feeling!

I need to get the saddle fitted properly rather than try shimming. When I got off, as I suspected, I was sitting almost on D's neck! Luckily because the gullet moves with the horse, I don't have to worry about pressure sores but carrying the weight in this position is totally wrong. Hopefully, just needs a smaller gullet plate. As I write, I've been in touch with a WOW saddle fitter. All very exciting stuff! Back to the BB pad for now though!

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