Sunday 28 February 2010

Ride No 14. I fell off!!

Thurs 25th Feb 2010

Today we went for a ride in the woods. I got on D at the cricket ground no probs and off we went. He led the way into the woods but is not so confident in front so kept stopping to gawp at things. The first was a "crocodile" log which made me smile as I had an identical incident with Ollie in the woods in Canterbury. D was fab. I just waited while he was tense. When he relaxed, I pushed him on. Went slowly to a gentle ph 4 and he would walk a couple of steps then stop.

This was so like Ollie in the beginning, I felt completely at home! Ollie would barely walk down the road when I first got him! The key is to wait! D tried turning round a few times which I managed to interrupt and thankfully he did not then go backwards as some horses do but seemed to understand it was OK to wait but not to turn round. Having been through this with Ollie, I honestly felt so relaxed I could have waited all day. It was so nice to be IN my comfort zone for a change!!

At the point D decided it was safe to walk on, I let him walk a few steps then asked him to stop - a good tactic to avoid the last minute spin round when bravery dissolves! Glad to say it worked with him and he ended up walking calmly past the "croc" to a rest & reward!

We stayed in front or a bit but, turning down a long track, D's confidence left him again and he kept stopping. Wondered if he was partly testing me out, partly nervous. Either way, he's looking for leadership! I used the PTP method again which makes me focus strongly on going forward and I guess increases the feeling I'm in charge for D! Of course, he loves the rest & reward at the chosen spot too!

I was so pleased: from a sticky start where I was going to ph 4, by the end of the path, he was offering to walk from a ph 1 lift life only. Wow. What a quick change in attitude! Then IT happened. I fell off! Luckily S was behind and saw what happened. My rope was dangling (naughty me) and D trod on it. As he stumbled, I lost my balance which caused him to spin round which cause me to fly out the side door!

Interesting points: D is still nervous about flying dismounts but when I fell off, he did not panic. In fact he stood with his head down looking at me! Good boy! In fact, all told (without trying to sound like I'm putting a gloss on this!), it was a good job I fell off right then. It had to happen some time and I had a nice soft landing! It also proved that D has come a really long way too.

I felt a bit weepy when I got up but not scared which was good. I gave D a cuddle (for me, not him!) then got back on. He was a bit joggy to start with but soon simmered down. We had a couple of nice trots before coming to Melinda's field. Hayley came down to the fence accompanied by the horses so I got off in case of funny business. D kinked his tail up and side-stepped a bit but that was really it so while S & H were talking I got back on (mounting from the off side today).

I rode D back through the woods and part way up the road. I got off as there were diggers at Pippas and, when one started coming towards D, it all got too much and he went into his bunched up state. I had had my leg on to keep up with M but this was not enough to keep D going forward. Next time, I think I will have to quickly go to a ph 4 as soon as he starts baulking. Or do what I actually did which was to get off! I didn't get back on as I like to walk the last bit anyway. I'm sure the horses appreciate it.

All in all, a great ride! Noticed D was bending to the left again and bracing the right side of his body on the way home. Often it coincided with him trying to walk off to the left to get onto another path (did this to the right once too) but I will keep an eye on this.

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