Wednesday 23 June 2010

On-line update - since May entry

Having decided to work towards Level 3 on-line, with absolutely no preplanning or forethought, I decided to start zone 5 driving (or "long-reining" to use it's "normal" name). Duncs has already done a fair bit of this so I thought "How hard can it be?!"

As I told the Horsey girls later, I put the two 22' lines on outside the shed then realised I didn't actually know how to get D to walk on, never mind steer him! He seemed to want to go every which way except where I had in mind! I resisted the urge to phone-a-friend to ask how to start!!

Fast forward a few weeks and we're getting on pretty nicely. We've got a language going anyway. I'm still not in the know re the Parelli way of doing it (only got the finished result in my DVD library where it doesn't look like the handler is doing anything!) so I'm hoping to polish this up at this weekend's workshop (don't anticipate riding unless all the moons line up...). D seems to enjoy it and I'm gradually figuring out a few do's and don'ts. The biggest do is to stay behind him when he starts baulking and turning. It's very easy to find yourself at the side with a tangle of ropes!

I have been using my voice a lot which seems to help but I'm not sure how this goes with Parelli. D's been doing a nice figure of eight but, interestingly, his napping has been coming out too as he gets towards the gate. Usually just as I'm about to stop and rest. It's definitely an "I've done enough of this now" so, I need to stop before it gets there. Typical D, if you get after him too strongly, he gets RB very quickly. Just got to be passively persistent in the proper position!

One other little breakthrough...I've been trying to use energy to transmit to D that I want him to trust me. I hold my hand up hovering over his forehead or neck and think about sending the peaceful energy out (just read "What horses say!"). The effect is sometimes startling - D looks hypnotised and I feel like Crocodile Dundee!

One time last week, however, he butted my hand so rudely that I reacted pretty strongly - without thinking - and bumped him back with a "Duncan!" What happened was quite odd and I'm not sure if it was good or bad...D put his head right down and went into a completely passive stance. I actually thought "Is he catatonic?" However, he looked quite peaceful and I remembered that I've seen this reaction before when I've had to spank him with the C/S! I think I've commented on here that he seems to like it!!! Now, either he really feels put in his place and is being submissive or he's really scared and is hiding. Hmm. I think it's the former as on each occasion he seems to know that he's "pushed it too far" but I may be anthropomorphising here. One to watch out for.

Yesterday, we walked round the field that leads to the Ashurst Wood ride and a little way down the bridle path with me driving from Z5. D did not want to come home which was touching as it shows he is getting back to his normal self and has forgiven me for getting too predatory. Really hoping the Z5 driving is the way forward for confidence alone. The mere fact that you are driving from behind seems a very dominant thing to do as that's what horses do the most, usually biting each other on the bum as they go! Hopefully this will help to elevate me to the Alpha position in Duncs' eyes!

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