Wednesday 23 June 2010

Hacking update - since May entry. Rides 35, 36, 37, 38

Happily, we've had some lovely rides since my post in May.

Woods x 2: The first ride, soon after the awful eve, we went out through the gate near Melinda's and onto Butcherfield Lane and back which D & M loved. They didn't want to go back! The next ride, as before, S cantered on ahead at a suitable spot and Duncs just carried on trotting! I love this about him. Innately, although he has a lot of "go" this doesn't extend to a long flight path when spooked or the desire to bomb off at the whiff of a canter. Partly it's also unconfidence and could also be because he's not comfortable. Certainly the stiffness issue is there although I've now deduced that much of that is down to foot-soreness - you can really feel it transmitting through his back. When he has boots on, he's so different.

The saddle does slip to the right still. I've just watched a Savvy club DVD and think I may try some shims at the front of the saddle as it tips me forwards. I also need to try shortening my R stirrup rather than lengthening my left for a while.

Dry Hill path and round fields: D really good although there was one hairy moment when he leaped forwards and then got all spooky at my loss of balance and keys rattling. I think there was a horse-fly bothering him.

Scarletts Lake - this week: I thought D would be whizzy as he did so little last week and no riding. I was not wrong! Glad I chose the road ride as he went out like a steam train but had plenty of time to let off a bit before I get on. The horse-flies were absolutely terrible and D & M were both very distracted. That said, he was very good considering. Not as bold as previous rides, let M go in front a bit more today. I walked back down the road as I'd forgotten my hat and had to borrow one from a rubbish heap (I kid you not!) which was a bit large!

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