Friday 12 March 2010

Ride No 17 - round the woods

Weds 10th March 2010

Today we rode round the woods. It was a nice day and the ground has dried up really well. I led D down the road. No boots as the planned route was mainly soft going. Got on at the bank at the end on the right near the woods. After getting on I dropped my stick so got off and on again. All good practice!

D was very keen so it was a good opportunity to practice slowing down from my seat. I must admit I did not find D's flat out trot with head in the air very comfortable. I felt like I was riding an Icelandic (not that I've ever ridden one!). More transitions are needed to get him to use his back end a bit more.

Had a great ride 'though. Even went over a little log in trot next to M. Lots of trotting, lovely going. One thing I did notice on this and the previous ride was that D was jumpy when rummaged in my coat and broke into trot. I had wondered in the past if he though I was whip-whopping but I now realise it is RB reaction (as opposed to the LB slowing down when he thinks I rummaging for a treat!) More extreme FG needed. Steering really coming on now and D showing very little, if any, resistance now when I ask him to go forward. Hurrah. Good progress!

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