Friday 12 March 2010

New Foot, New Horse! Ride no 16

Mon 8th March 2010

Today, having prepared in advance (only just!), I put the Old Macs on D. They are Ollie's size 4s (D should really be in a 3) with side inserts and home-made, mouse-mat pads. The mouse mats are fab, 6mm thick, really good for the purpose. Bought about 20 - from Ebay of course!

In order for me to test the boots, we did a road ride and, at first, things looked so unpromising, I wondered if I'd just wasted my money. D walked up the road with his ears back and a pained expression. He was dawdling in that "my feet are sore" way.

We turned right as that was the way M wanted to go and, when we turned off the road onto the stony track to the river crossing, I got on at a bank. I was so clumsy that I threw myself at D, thwacked him in the side and pushed him off balance. He was not perturbed 'though and off we went. The boots' grip seemed better with a bit of purchase going downhill but D felt a bit uncertain.

At the river, the horses baulked as there was a large tree stump in front of the bridge. I approached & retreated and D relaxed. M led the way. Once we got over the other side and were on the uphill stretch, D seemed to suddenly realise how good his feet felt - and he was off! Every time we trotted he was out in front & eager which I really enjoyed. He was like a different pony! I didn't mind asking him to a bit more either which was nice. S led me on the road going back.
Really good ride, the boots didn't rub either. Fab!

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