Sunday 20 September 2009

Thanks Cesar!

Had a great session today. Went up about 3.30 and took D out for a walk. Did a bit of playing before we went as usual & he was very brave sniffing the trampoline which was now in our path. If it stays there, there is a very good squeeze for another day!

Moet called a few times but just wandered about or stood waiting for our return. Went down the bottom of the lane and into the woods path on the left. We stopped for a graze after the secret garden (walled, derelict, even has a little door!) then came back. I walked in front as the path was narrow and waved my stick around to stop D coming too close which worked very well. He only made one concerted effort to overtake which I quickly quashed. D really enjoyed himself and again, didn't want to come home and put up a half-hearted resistance near the pond.

How interesting.....when we got back, I went into the shed and put my hat on & fiddled about a bit. As I started walking with D back towards the field, he started yawning...then he stopped in the passage back to the field and did not want to go any further. Smart pony! This time instead of getting him to play hard then make going to the field easy, I asked him to walk forward but go really, really slowly. That did the trick and he then wanted to go after all!

I had the 2 cones out again and put the ball out as it's his favourite toy to "jolly him up". As we played with the ball, I had an idea that I could use the ball to get him to walk forward - with me on top! It was a Cesar Milan inspired thought (he often uses something in the environment which he gets a feeling will help move a dog forwards).

So, after mounting quite near the ball, I focussed on it and off D went, dribbling all over the place! It was brilliant! As he kept stopping to wait for treats, I had loads of opportunities to ask him to walk on again. He was super keen and I didn't go to a phase 4 once. What's more, I hardly had to touch with the leg. Strange, I got the feeling that he was actually a little unsure of how far to walk when I wasn't using my leg so he will have to learn to tune into my energy...talking of which - I managed to keep my life up as he stepped forward today but I'm not sure how much to "move in my body" as what feels mild to me could be shouting!

Had some super lateral flexions and disengaging HQs today but the icing on the cake was when I asked D, as a bit of an experiment. to walk towards a cone about 10m away. On my first ask, he braced & turned the opposite way then stopped even though my body was facing directly towards the cone. I felt a bit disheartened after the high of the dribbling but had another go and really bored my eyes into the cone. Off he went, straight to the cone where I leapt off in delight and finished!

Spent another enjoyable hour feeding, brushing, poo-picking and felt like a proper horse owner again! (Sharon's away for a few days so I'm "in charge"!) BIG smiles today :)

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