Monday 14 September 2009

Riding Revelations - talk about Feedback!

Sat 11th Sept 09

Took D for a walk, he was great. Played in the "home wood" first (little clump of trees great for squeeze, backups & little figure 8s). Went down the road playing touch it. D a bit unconfident at times but got over it quickly due to curiosity. He became quite RB before the woods but I played with him at the entrance until he was ok to go and did falling leaf on the way back as he was rushing a bit. Great climbing onto the banks on the way back. Pedestal should be no problem if we keep that up! M only called a bit & didn't run about.

Back at the field we played a bit more and prepared for mounting. All fine and up I got. I originally tied my 12' line up so I had 2 reins and also had my C/S. However I ended up back with 1 rein and no C/S which is how I shall prob continue.

Where to start...D backed up beautifully (to avoid my phone on the ground!) but then when I asked him forward, he went back again. OK I thought, he's confused so I waited, it was all very low key, all the usual exercises too. I did manage to get him to walk a short way towards M but had to go to ph 4 with C/S on my leg. After reaching M and a quick graze, D set off with a purpose across the field. He pooed in the poo spot then wee'd in the wee spot before grazing again. No problem as I was passenger.

At my next attempt at forward motion, D turned round & set off purposefully down the field. Ah, thought I, not this time so I tried to turn - eyes, belly button, legs, rein, stick, harder with stick, disengage! It was a bit ugly. A repeat followed. I was thinking hard & the next time D set off, I relented and thought perhaps he wanted a drink so I'd let him go to see what he did. He marched down to the bottom of the field, through the run and into the bottom field where he stopped by the barn. No drink, he was just saying "Your ride is over!"

I was very curious now especially as, when I tried to get him to go back up the field, he planted his feet in utter defiance. I had to smile, he looked so grumpy. I did the "ok you want to stay here, me too, let's play hard" which usually works and luckily did here. I couldn't believe the absolute clarity of the meaning of his actions - "I'm not up for this, I don't like being ridden and you're not going to make me!" Wow! Lots of thoughts on this:

  • What utterly fantastic feedback!
  • How kind D was given his strength of feeling on the subject!
  • Why is he like this?
  • How can I change his mind?

Now I thank God for my experience with Ollie again. Before Ollie, I would never have believed that such a kind horse could be made to become so defiant - a nervous wreck yes - but not so bolshey. This knowledge gives me empathy for D. Whether D was ever as generous as Ollie, I don't know but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt!

One thing I do now know for sure is that D is very smart and I admire that greatly in a horse. Also, because it was funny rather than threatening, I felt safe - and I like to feel safe!

Well, back on board at the top of the field, D again started off on his downward path. I was now back to one rein and no C/S and I disengaged each time (3, I think) until he gave up and went back to grazing. I have to say he pulled some terribly grumpy faces though which made me laugh. Talk about expressive!

Lots for me to lick & chew on. Had a slight "Uh Oh, this is a level 4 horse, I'm out of my depth" wobble again but then I know (bless you, Ollie) that with Parelli, I can turn this round. It's going to take me longer than a more experienced student of course but hopefully the relationship we've already got will help. I've just got to figure out how to get D's mind with me..... I think that food is going to play a major part!

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