Monday 21 September 2009

Oh the highs & lows!

Mon 21st Sept 09

Where to start?! Well, I know it's negative (and we shouldn't start with the negative) but, as it's fresh in my mind (and I have had a very useful chat with T), here's where I went wrong:

  • Didn't address right brain issues strongly enough whilst out on walk
  • Didn't challenge D enough when back in field
  • Didn't check that he was rideable - in fact could see that he wasn't
  • Didn't change plan quickly enough when this was apparent
  • Failed to keep D's attention on me

But don't panic readers, I have not had a Nasty Accident but a shot across the bows - for which I am thankful as it may help me to avoid a N.A. later on!
So, I took D on a walk up the road which he is not so confident about (lot going on up there at times). We warmed up very gently - good squeeze past the trampoline - D not bothered. Once out, D became RB almost immediately so - clue - I didn't warm up strong enough to assert my leadership. I also had the dog tied to me which I could not easily deposit as the car was on the main road - doh!

Anyway, the sound of the resident bird of prey's bell tinkling and the handler shouting "hold it" (and who knows what else audible to the equine ear) got him goggling and digging his toes in. NB - next time go back to the field and start again! The dog kept getting under my feet so I tied her on a gate and got D circling in the road, backing and doing sideways plus extreme FG until he walked on reasonably calmly. Unfortunately a very annoying woman then came up the road and drove right up Ds backside revving her engine. He tittupetted and looked round - as did I - but my glowers seemed only to encourage her so I stopped and gestured to her to keep back - which she did not! We arrived in Tricia's gateway a bit ruffled.

When we got into the little paddock leading back to the field, I did the quickest circling game you've ever seen - clue - D still RB as was very compliant (for him!) and cantered when asked!! Got some nice canter - trot - change rein at trot - halt - treat, mind you!

Into our riding field and rejoined with M, D was still (tho' I ignored it) RB but had gone into bracey mode. I was totally focussed on my 7 day pattern & getting on & kicking that ball around - and I didn't have much time either! Did a short kick about with the ball, briefest of mounting prep and soon sitting up. D had his head up and eyes looking a bit worried but I thought "he's just worrying about what might happen as usual and, if I just carry on, he will deal with it". Lucy, Lucy, Lucy....what happened to approach & retreat? D, The RBI as he was at that time should NOT be pushed through thresholds!

Anyway, on I pushed (!), got some lovely lateral flexion off a light touch and then, without me even asking D he started kicking the ball with gusto and even started to think about trotting. Now I don't know why except that he does this when he's got a lot of pent-up emotion but he suddenly shied off to the right (ball not near him and anyway he's dominant with the ball so it wasn't that). I leapt off to the left so although 1. Good, I got off in one piece 2. I did not disengage him first so he carried on into a bigger shy as he was scared of me leaping through the air!

Damn, damn, damn, thought I, I've just undone months of work. Now I'll have to redo all those months of mounting prep. Argh! I beat myself up for a few minutes whilst my adrenaline dropped then thought I had better get back to sitting on again. D worried at the block and looking all over the place now so I came away and played hard (inc backing up to touch the ball - 1st time) then went back. I got back on with the plan to get on and dismount a few times but, as I dismounted, he again spooked away.

By this time, I realised I was not going to be able to fix this straight away and, from too much experience of trying to end on a "good note" realised it was best to go back a stage and leave it there for the day (ah, a bit of savvy at last!). I lay over him until he relaxed & ate some grass from both sides & then led him in for tea.

So, what have I learnt - or remembered - apart from the mistakes I made! The way forward....

  • Warm up strong to ride soft
  • More mental challenges needed e.g. moving feet
  • Don't proceed when D is bracey!
  • More extreme FG and flank rope exercises required
  • Disengage/emergency dismount must become second nature to me - do simulations - then D - build up slowly
  • Don't lose his focus for a minute (been told this by both Lyla & T!)

Ah well, I live to play another day! Had another "oh no! am I up to this?" moment but happily it's not primarily fear-based, rather "how boring, this could take forever!" Of course, I am rightly nervous of being deposited but I'm more anxious about just not getting anywhere or hitting a problem I can't solve. Strange, when I started I said I didn't mind if I never rode D but now I DO mind so I will have a lick & chew on that also! Good night!

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