Monday 28 September 2009

More Cesar thoughts....

28 Sept 09

Didn't get to play all weekend as Rich working. Today, just went up to feed & took G in her wheelchair. Got the ball out for D to show off his dribbling skills to her as she'd been wanting to see this for some time! He was obliging but the best bit was he carried on after I went into the shed to make the feeds! Edmund wanted a ride so good old M was called upon and obliged by carrying him back to his grazing spot.

My blog is therefore just about thinking! Steady! When Cesar works with unbalanced dogs, his aim is for them to be calm-submissive. I was thinking about how this translates to D and here's my thinking on his moods compared to the doggie states of mind.
  • Calm-submissive - definitely had this attitude on the ground when we filmed our audition. He was willing and frequently looked at me with a questioning expression.
  • Calm-dominant - see this often when driving & circling. D makes faces, ears back and the occasional challenge.
  • Excited-dominant - D was in this mood at the Essex course to start off with and seems to get this way when other horses are around - flamboyant, energetic, calling, not listening to me.
  • Excited -submissive - I'm not so sure about this in relation to horses. I think excited-submisive would be a nervous introverted state so I guess this will be when D's tense & bracey which in turn will become sharp, spooky then extrovert if not diffused.

Soooo, I've been thinking about what emotional state I need D to be in at all times for me to stay safe and for him to feel secure? Calm-submissive of course. And I really must not settle for anything less for the sake of perceived progress as it will only set us back. My focus has got to be on how to create that state of mind rather than the patterns I have become focussed on lately. Yes! Done it again, become task orientated!!

Therefore, I must go back to the original plan of passengering until D is comfortable with that. He had become calm-submissive (i.e. confident!) about me mounting but had not got the confidence to walk about with me sitting up before I started asking him to walk (which is where it started to go downhill!). So rewind needed.............

Monday 21 September 2009

Oh the highs & lows!

Mon 21st Sept 09

Where to start?! Well, I know it's negative (and we shouldn't start with the negative) but, as it's fresh in my mind (and I have had a very useful chat with T), here's where I went wrong:

  • Didn't address right brain issues strongly enough whilst out on walk
  • Didn't challenge D enough when back in field
  • Didn't check that he was rideable - in fact could see that he wasn't
  • Didn't change plan quickly enough when this was apparent
  • Failed to keep D's attention on me

But don't panic readers, I have not had a Nasty Accident but a shot across the bows - for which I am thankful as it may help me to avoid a N.A. later on!
So, I took D on a walk up the road which he is not so confident about (lot going on up there at times). We warmed up very gently - good squeeze past the trampoline - D not bothered. Once out, D became RB almost immediately so - clue - I didn't warm up strong enough to assert my leadership. I also had the dog tied to me which I could not easily deposit as the car was on the main road - doh!

Anyway, the sound of the resident bird of prey's bell tinkling and the handler shouting "hold it" (and who knows what else audible to the equine ear) got him goggling and digging his toes in. NB - next time go back to the field and start again! The dog kept getting under my feet so I tied her on a gate and got D circling in the road, backing and doing sideways plus extreme FG until he walked on reasonably calmly. Unfortunately a very annoying woman then came up the road and drove right up Ds backside revving her engine. He tittupetted and looked round - as did I - but my glowers seemed only to encourage her so I stopped and gestured to her to keep back - which she did not! We arrived in Tricia's gateway a bit ruffled.

When we got into the little paddock leading back to the field, I did the quickest circling game you've ever seen - clue - D still RB as was very compliant (for him!) and cantered when asked!! Got some nice canter - trot - change rein at trot - halt - treat, mind you!

Into our riding field and rejoined with M, D was still (tho' I ignored it) RB but had gone into bracey mode. I was totally focussed on my 7 day pattern & getting on & kicking that ball around - and I didn't have much time either! Did a short kick about with the ball, briefest of mounting prep and soon sitting up. D had his head up and eyes looking a bit worried but I thought "he's just worrying about what might happen as usual and, if I just carry on, he will deal with it". Lucy, Lucy, Lucy....what happened to approach & retreat? D, The RBI as he was at that time should NOT be pushed through thresholds!

Anyway, on I pushed (!), got some lovely lateral flexion off a light touch and then, without me even asking D he started kicking the ball with gusto and even started to think about trotting. Now I don't know why except that he does this when he's got a lot of pent-up emotion but he suddenly shied off to the right (ball not near him and anyway he's dominant with the ball so it wasn't that). I leapt off to the left so although 1. Good, I got off in one piece 2. I did not disengage him first so he carried on into a bigger shy as he was scared of me leaping through the air!

Damn, damn, damn, thought I, I've just undone months of work. Now I'll have to redo all those months of mounting prep. Argh! I beat myself up for a few minutes whilst my adrenaline dropped then thought I had better get back to sitting on again. D worried at the block and looking all over the place now so I came away and played hard (inc backing up to touch the ball - 1st time) then went back. I got back on with the plan to get on and dismount a few times but, as I dismounted, he again spooked away.

By this time, I realised I was not going to be able to fix this straight away and, from too much experience of trying to end on a "good note" realised it was best to go back a stage and leave it there for the day (ah, a bit of savvy at last!). I lay over him until he relaxed & ate some grass from both sides & then led him in for tea.

So, what have I learnt - or remembered - apart from the mistakes I made! The way forward....

  • Warm up strong to ride soft
  • More mental challenges needed e.g. moving feet
  • Don't proceed when D is bracey!
  • More extreme FG and flank rope exercises required
  • Disengage/emergency dismount must become second nature to me - do simulations - then D - build up slowly
  • Don't lose his focus for a minute (been told this by both Lyla & T!)

Ah well, I live to play another day! Had another "oh no! am I up to this?" moment but happily it's not primarily fear-based, rather "how boring, this could take forever!" Of course, I am rightly nervous of being deposited but I'm more anxious about just not getting anywhere or hitting a problem I can't solve. Strange, when I started I said I didn't mind if I never rode D but now I DO mind so I will have a lick & chew on that also! Good night!

Sunday 20 September 2009

Thanks Cesar!

Had a great session today. Went up about 3.30 and took D out for a walk. Did a bit of playing before we went as usual & he was very brave sniffing the trampoline which was now in our path. If it stays there, there is a very good squeeze for another day!

Moet called a few times but just wandered about or stood waiting for our return. Went down the bottom of the lane and into the woods path on the left. We stopped for a graze after the secret garden (walled, derelict, even has a little door!) then came back. I walked in front as the path was narrow and waved my stick around to stop D coming too close which worked very well. He only made one concerted effort to overtake which I quickly quashed. D really enjoyed himself and again, didn't want to come home and put up a half-hearted resistance near the pond.

How interesting.....when we got back, I went into the shed and put my hat on & fiddled about a bit. As I started walking with D back towards the field, he started yawning...then he stopped in the passage back to the field and did not want to go any further. Smart pony! This time instead of getting him to play hard then make going to the field easy, I asked him to walk forward but go really, really slowly. That did the trick and he then wanted to go after all!

I had the 2 cones out again and put the ball out as it's his favourite toy to "jolly him up". As we played with the ball, I had an idea that I could use the ball to get him to walk forward - with me on top! It was a Cesar Milan inspired thought (he often uses something in the environment which he gets a feeling will help move a dog forwards).

So, after mounting quite near the ball, I focussed on it and off D went, dribbling all over the place! It was brilliant! As he kept stopping to wait for treats, I had loads of opportunities to ask him to walk on again. He was super keen and I didn't go to a phase 4 once. What's more, I hardly had to touch with the leg. Strange, I got the feeling that he was actually a little unsure of how far to walk when I wasn't using my leg so he will have to learn to tune into my energy...talking of which - I managed to keep my life up as he stepped forward today but I'm not sure how much to "move in my body" as what feels mild to me could be shouting!

Had some super lateral flexions and disengaging HQs today but the icing on the cake was when I asked D, as a bit of an experiment. to walk towards a cone about 10m away. On my first ask, he braced & turned the opposite way then stopped even though my body was facing directly towards the cone. I felt a bit disheartened after the high of the dribbling but had another go and really bored my eyes into the cone. Off he went, straight to the cone where I leapt off in delight and finished!

Spent another enjoyable hour feeding, brushing, poo-picking and felt like a proper horse owner again! (Sharon's away for a few days so I'm "in charge"!) BIG smiles today :)

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Fantastic halts

Mon 14th Sept 09

D didn't come over when I arrived but both horses came down to the shed. D suspicious of bareback pad today but OK to have on after a bit of FG.

Went for a walk first again. It was a bit blustery but dry. Did a bit in the home wood again. Need to play to establish leadership & gets M used to the idea we're going out too. Went up the road this time. D not quite so relaxed this way but listening well and played PTP. Went into the village hall car park, no trailer here today, & then into the little paddock. M only called a few times and, despite having the whole field (too windy to shut him in the barn area) didn't run about or even canter up to us when we got back.

Did some circling & cantering. D resents cantering and always pulls a face & kicks out, bum in, so I'm doing a pattern of 2 strides then halt & reward which he likes! I'm on day 4 with that. He's figuring out that the sooner he canters, the sooner he gets the treat! Will change soon, I think canter-trot, change direction then treat.

Off to the bottom field and I got on. Overall, D was very bracey, he seemed LB but then, as he was reluctant to eat, he must have actually been worried. Thee endless yawning confirmed it! I had thought a lot about the way forward. I'd considered what I did with Ollie (lots of passenger) but decided against this as I have already done a lot of that. We really need to:

· Establish clear phases & what they mean
· Sort out my breathing!
· Reward the slightest try
· Reassure D that there’s something in it for him
· Take small steps

I’m still thinking about how the “cause his idea to become your idea but respect his idea first” works if I’m being marched down to the barn!

Thinking of PP and the mule he motivated to become a champion with 3 buckets of grain, I put 2 cones out about 40m apart. That, as it turned out, was too ambitious! I should have placed them 2 feet apart as that’s as far as I got! But hey, it was forward momentum! (I was back to 1 rein and no C/S as to avoid getting in a tangle – or getting too strong. Need to work on the C/S driving Z 1 on the ground again).

So, to go forward, I started with lift life, smile with all 4 cheeks, bit of a wiggle, legs on then into wip-wap with the rope (decided on this method rather than C/S as easier to use one tool).
D did respond but it seemed to take forever and I had to resist the urge to give up and try something else!

One “problem” I have is that I’ve "trained" D to slow/stop when I breathe out loudly/drop my life. It has replaced “whoa”. Oh dear, as I relaxed a bit from extreme life-up/"Lets go"!, I couldn’t help but exhale and we stopped instantly (yeah, I know, be great for sliding stops later!) I then made a conscious effort not to drop my life and move my body with him and we got a few stagnant steps! As he was so bracey and reluctant to even eat, I did a lot of friendly and left it there. He seemed very relieved when I got off and put his head right down. I wish I knew what was going on in his head! Feel the need for a lesson!

Monday 14 September 2009

Riding Revelations - talk about Feedback!

Sat 11th Sept 09

Took D for a walk, he was great. Played in the "home wood" first (little clump of trees great for squeeze, backups & little figure 8s). Went down the road playing touch it. D a bit unconfident at times but got over it quickly due to curiosity. He became quite RB before the woods but I played with him at the entrance until he was ok to go and did falling leaf on the way back as he was rushing a bit. Great climbing onto the banks on the way back. Pedestal should be no problem if we keep that up! M only called a bit & didn't run about.

Back at the field we played a bit more and prepared for mounting. All fine and up I got. I originally tied my 12' line up so I had 2 reins and also had my C/S. However I ended up back with 1 rein and no C/S which is how I shall prob continue.

Where to start...D backed up beautifully (to avoid my phone on the ground!) but then when I asked him forward, he went back again. OK I thought, he's confused so I waited, it was all very low key, all the usual exercises too. I did manage to get him to walk a short way towards M but had to go to ph 4 with C/S on my leg. After reaching M and a quick graze, D set off with a purpose across the field. He pooed in the poo spot then wee'd in the wee spot before grazing again. No problem as I was passenger.

At my next attempt at forward motion, D turned round & set off purposefully down the field. Ah, thought I, not this time so I tried to turn - eyes, belly button, legs, rein, stick, harder with stick, disengage! It was a bit ugly. A repeat followed. I was thinking hard & the next time D set off, I relented and thought perhaps he wanted a drink so I'd let him go to see what he did. He marched down to the bottom of the field, through the run and into the bottom field where he stopped by the barn. No drink, he was just saying "Your ride is over!"

I was very curious now especially as, when I tried to get him to go back up the field, he planted his feet in utter defiance. I had to smile, he looked so grumpy. I did the "ok you want to stay here, me too, let's play hard" which usually works and luckily did here. I couldn't believe the absolute clarity of the meaning of his actions - "I'm not up for this, I don't like being ridden and you're not going to make me!" Wow! Lots of thoughts on this:

  • What utterly fantastic feedback!
  • How kind D was given his strength of feeling on the subject!
  • Why is he like this?
  • How can I change his mind?

Now I thank God for my experience with Ollie again. Before Ollie, I would never have believed that such a kind horse could be made to become so defiant - a nervous wreck yes - but not so bolshey. This knowledge gives me empathy for D. Whether D was ever as generous as Ollie, I don't know but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt!

One thing I do now know for sure is that D is very smart and I admire that greatly in a horse. Also, because it was funny rather than threatening, I felt safe - and I like to feel safe!

Well, back on board at the top of the field, D again started off on his downward path. I was now back to one rein and no C/S and I disengaged each time (3, I think) until he gave up and went back to grazing. I have to say he pulled some terribly grumpy faces though which made me laugh. Talk about expressive!

Lots for me to lick & chew on. Had a slight "Uh Oh, this is a level 4 horse, I'm out of my depth" wobble again but then I know (bless you, Ollie) that with Parelli, I can turn this round. It's going to take me longer than a more experienced student of course but hopefully the relationship we've already got will help. I've just got to figure out how to get D's mind with me..... I think that food is going to play a major part!

Sunday 13 September 2009

A blog at last!

September 09
It's been a year since I started playing with Duncan, a 13.hh-ish New Forest pony. We follow the Parelli system of training and have mainly been playing on the ground and with mounting preparation. I've finally got round to starting this blog because we're just starting ridden stuff now and I can tell it's going to be interesting! Over the year, I have had lots of help from my friends Beth, Elsa & Terri (a PNH instructor - lucky me!). I definitely wouldn't have progressed so far without them. This entry is just a rundown of our progress so far:

8th August 08 - first scratching/friendly session. D very wary of me, sensitive and had a real issue with being touched on the withers/back. Loads of extreme yawning in the early days.

6th Sept 08 - D reared up at me when I approached him with too much energy. Realised (after chats) he was a lot more unconfident than I thought. The fact that he was so "mardy" to be led from the ground was also misleading as he played all sorts of dominance games. Hated circling too. Over the past year I have realised he is essentially a LBI but is RBI as a learner hence the marked distinction when we do things similar to those has done in his former training.

13th Sept 08 - Beth came and I was amazed at soft she was with D. He really liked her! She opened my eyes to him being RBI, a real turning point.

1st Oct 08 - breakdown of trust. I had been going to fast for D, it happened over a few sessions where he gradually became more RB and jumpy, not wanting to come to me. Managed to fix with a few friendly sessions, TG.

4th Nov 08 - trust building now. Lessons with Terri have really helped my energy/phases and technical skills.

22nd Dec 08 - 1st time out with M. D great, really saw another side to him, so confident & curious. He really listened to me too! Had a bit of a hairy time passing a field of horses when D got his blood up like an arab stallion but that passed without incident!

3rd Jan 08 - umbrella incident! At lat I can recall this without a twist in my stomach (guilt!). Poor D got handle of huge golfing brolly stuck up under his halter. Galloped round field, jumped a 5 bar gate, galloped round next field with M. Bless them both, they only did 1 circuit and I caught D with some food & he let me take the brolly off. Horrible day!

29th Jan 09 - 1st ride at felbridge showground. D pretty tense but well behaved. I was really nervouse which didn't help. After this I realised that my nervousness was founded as D was still worried about me mounting. At time of writing I can happily say we are past that after hours of mounting prep - lying over, rubbing and acrobatics!

14-16th Feb 09 - sitting up properly!

19th feb - 2nd ride at fab local indoor school. D more relaxed but disappointingly grumpy. Really noticing the two characters of D by now - RB bracey, head high, wide eyes. LB bolshey, nippy, stubborn, occasional challenges by charging or turning bum.

14th March 09 - starting with a bit of liberty each session. D loves PTP and kicking the ball!

19th April 09 - Level 1 filming! I had fallen down the stairs a few weeks before but managed to hobble my way through our audition. D was great. In July we heard we had passed not only L1 but L2 on-line too. What a result!

16th May - Tarp day. D walked confidently all over the tarp. Didn't take long, the 3rd time of the pattern. Smart kid! Especially good as a few days earlier he'd been wanting to leave me quite a bit - doh! Had been going too fast again.

3rd June - I realise that I don't like repeating patterns. Did a 5 day stint of making myself repeat patterns (had a marked effect on D's confidence!) Oh dear. I am a LBE - but that's no excuse! Starting to do more at trot now which D is not impressed with. He's definitely a low energy boy - unless it's his idea!

3rd June 09 - my Duncan diary stops - got a bit left behind then lost momentum. Shame as on...

10/11th July 09 - Lyla Cansfield course! Dear Beth took us all the way to Essex for the weekend. And what a weekend! The first morning D was totally extrovert - LB I think mixed in with nervousness about some of the obstacles. Anyway I had a VERY uncomfortable few hours. I'd been taming my energy for months and now I had to bring my life right back up then add some! I didn't ride D but I felt I could have done. Got lots of tips re pushing him a bit harder - which he responded to well. First cantering on-line! He was perfect pony by the end of the weekend.

July/August 09 - holidays and working meant I didn't get as much time with D as I would have liked but I did take D out by myself twice. The first time was not fun as he was extremely cross at being separated from M and I made the mistake of not playing before I went out. D kept spinning and kicking out at me, much worse than Essex! The next time was great, played before I went, went by ourselves, D chilled and didn't call at all. In fact, he didn't want to go home. Atta boy!

Riding coming along - can now happily mount and sit on. Direct and indirect rein's good plus lateral flexion and disengaging the HQ. I do notice D's reluctant to go forward, even worried - think it's because I've concentrated so much on disengaging & decide to wait until I see Terri to try going forwards!

Sept 5/6th 09 - girls sleepover at Terri's! What fun! D brill to travel, much more chilled than our Essex outing. Had a good old play on day 1. Got some good ideas re being more particular when he is LBI and going slower when he's in RBI mode (reversing through the roadworks!) I got on and RODE forward in the direction of my choice! I did feel a brace in him though, like dear Ollie after his sides had been hammered. Yes....felt a bit "nappy" to put it in traditional terms!