Tuesday 22 March 2011

To Everything There is a Season

Now writing 22nd March 2011

I've been putting this off - but I need to close this blog. On 14th February, my partnership with Duncan was ended. Such are the risks when the horse does not belong to you. The parting from Duncs is still grieving me greatly, but on a happier note, I collect my new horse, Jack, on Sunday (subject to vetting, pray, pray!).

I think I was fairly up-to-date with this blog, my last day with Duncs was 1oth February. The one thing I do want to put down so I can remember and learn from it is that I cantered - or rather tried to - in the school finally. I was waiting for a saddle as on the few previous occasions when we'd tried it, he did a little plunging about and I didn't want to come off! However, the saddler came out again and still couldn't find anything to fit so I thought I'd give the canter a go as there was no telling when a saddle would arrive.

As we went into the canter, Duncs did the same plunging - then stopped dead. I then announced that I'd really prefer to wait for the saddle!! I got off and cantered him on-line. There was a lot of conversation about getting him cantering on-line more - which I acknowledged I needed to do. Without Pippa's school (where this was taking place), I was really restricted in winter with the fields being too slippery to canter on. But in fact, the canter was very well balanced considering how unfit he was.

Anyway, it was not until the following week when I was riding Duncs in the pouring rain and he shook himself, that I understood the problem with the canter. As Duncs shook himself like a wet dog, he jiggled me about on top and I laughed. I was out of tune with him....when I reached down to stroke him, I saw his eyes wide with fear and realised how scary he still finds people shifting about on him.

Bingo, that's the problem with the canter, the shifting of the rider's weight. Obvious really when I thought about it. Bless him, at least Duncs' reaction is to stop dead instead of going into a bronco, but it's sad that he's still so scared. I did pass this info onto his owner at the end and I really hope she finds a new rider who can continue to help Duncs through all his issues.

I'm not going to summarise in closing as I put down a lot of my feelings at the beginning of the year. I try to take each day as it comes and continue to trust in God which is probably why the Byrds lyrics (based on the bible text of Eccliastes) came to me before I wrote this last entry:
To Everything (Turn, Turn, Turn)
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
And a time to every purpose, under Heaven

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucy, I am sorry to hear that your relationship with Duncan has come to an end. I hope that you will have fun with Jack and that you will start another blog!

    My best wishes for your journey...

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
