Thursday 11 November 2010

Ride no 40. Into the big woods!

Tues 9th Nov 2010

Now, before I set off for the field today I was thinking "Is this wise?"
a) I had only sat on Duncs twice since June
b) We were going into the "Whizzy Woods"
c) To meet a horse we didn't know
d) In fact, we had never ridden with another horse full stop

Patently the answer was No! But Hey! I thought, the worst thing that could happen was that I fell off - and it's a soft landing in the woods. I had committed to doing it for better or worse! Luckily, it all went swimmingly!

I walked down the lane and into the woods. At the "New Forest" clearing, we saw Basil coming towards us. Duncs was surprised to see him but all the horse familiarisation is paying off as he didn't get wildly excited. I explained that I needed to stand on something to mount or my saddle would slip and followed Amy back to her field to use the mounting block. Duncs was very keen and I walked behind him due to the narrow paths (glad of that zone 5 driving practise!). He was perfect to get on - totally LB - even looked at me for his treat for a long time until I said What are you doing?" then remembered!

We rode for about half an hour, chin wagging all the way, just walking. Duncs LOVED it! He led most of the way and was very forward going, quite joggy at times. I couldn't fault him or have asked for more. When we parted company with Amy, he was a bit sticky to leave (I got off before parting) then a bit too keen to get home but nothing worrying.

This was a great boost for me. In a blog entry in around Sept I declared I needed a hacking partner (as Moet was out of action) or I would die of boredom! Melodramatic - but that nearly came to pass. My enthusiasm, anyway, was slowly dying but now I'm alight again and plotting like mad. Next week I am going to have a traditional dressage lesson!!!!! Is this wise? Probably not.........but the worst thing that can happen is I fall off - and it's a soft landing in the school!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lucky You, that it went well!
    Be careful and keep in mind that you are risking your confidence and that of your horse. Something to ponder....

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
