Thursday 11 November 2010

Down in the doldrums!

It is now Thurs 11th November 2010

I have had a roller-coaster few weeks emotionally but rising back out of the ashes now!

The slippery slope into the doldrums started a few weeks ago when I just couldn't seem to make the time I needed to make progress with Duncs. There is a lot to do at home but it's really all about time management. I waste an awful lot of time - and I go to bed too late so I'm always tired. I'm my own worst enemy! I also feel guilty about my horse time so will let other things squeeze it out.

I had got into a pattern of getting to the field with only an hour to spare and having to take D out with the dog. Then I didn't feel it was worth tacking up etc. etc.

Then, along came Ziggy! We looked after a spaniel who needed rehoming for 2 weeks from 23/10 to 7/11. He took over my life completely with his need for 2 decent walks a day and lots of entertainment in between. The trouble was also that I enjoyed it! Striding across the fields and along routes I hadn't walked for years (pre-Edmund) was really invigorating. I found myself comparing my tame ramblings up and down the lane with Duncs most unfavourably to these cross-country expeditions!

It actually came to crisis point on the evening before Ziggy went to his new home - I seriously considered giving up horses altogether. We could have kept Z and he would have been the catalyst. Of course my husband was very much in favour of me giving up the horses - but questioned whether Ziggy was the right dog and whether his acquisition would actually cause the longed-for "horse lobotomy" or not! In the end, we let Ziggy go to a far more suitable home, and the next day, I started to feel more normal again!

All the moons were lining up for a big change as Sharon (Duncs' owner) had also been doing some thinking about what she wanted for Duncs. Firstly she wanted him to do more and was thinking of asking a local girl, Amy, to help. I was galvanised into action by this and arranged to ride with Amy myself! Other things are afoot too but I will write about those another day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Lucy, lots going on... I hope you find the right solution!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
