Thursday 14 October 2010

My calm, smart boy! Relaxed around other horses

Tues 12th Oct 2010

We went up to the car park and played extreme FG with Edmund's "Mr Bump" spacehopper which has handy horns to hold on to! Duncs was chilled, even with it bouncing on his back. Then off down towards the Scout Camp (left the hopper behind, I wasn't riding it!). Barely any thresholds - D was having a fine time. I had the 45' on - only the second time, feels very awkward and stiff.

How interesting! in the fields adjacent to the Scout Camp Lane, a local lady who is very successful in national dressage was showing off her youngsters to a photographer whom I later discovered to be Horse & Hounds regional reporter (Ooerr!) After 10 mins or so, they came over to the 3 youngsters who normally have a run-about when we pass.

The aim was to encourage the youngsters to trot/canter about for photos. They were not terribly compliant being far too LB and inquisitive. I ended up helping by throwing my 45' down the path and then lending P my carrot stick so she could chase the horses about. Through it all, Duncs was fab which was concrete evidence that he is getting over his "horse obsession". He didn't kink his tail up or snort once!

The herd even went for a flat out gallop but Duncs just stood and watched. I must say, I felt pretty proud of him! Not so long ago, he would have gone into orbit - along with my pulse rate!

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