Sunday 13 December 2009

More great extreme FG. Itchy itchy itchy

Sunday 13th December 09

On a time schedule as dropped R & E at a party and had to go collect in an hour and a half.

D not interested in me but happy to be haltered after I got a bag out!

Poor D so itchy, he could hardly get a few feet without biting himself on his girth and flank areas. (Chatted to S about this -lice? Too hot in rug?)

It was rather a distraction but maybe not that unhelpful as he had something else to think about other than the bag! This week's bag was bigger, a plastic feed sack. D very keen to grab it from me and toss it away. Still working on him giving it to me (had chat at Parelli meet re this. n.b. look for book by Tommy Turvey!)

He was a bit alarmed by the bag at first - fault - I went a bit quicker than last week I think -but having put the bag on him, I couldn't take it off until he relaxed. I remember thinking "you should have taken longer to get to this point but you're committed now!" Then I stood breathing out slowly staring at the floor. D did relax with waiting and, by the end of the walk, I had the bag up round his ears (had a bit of opposition here too but just kept at it). Pre-Clinton Anderson, I would never have been so bold with the desensitising and I do need to remember to go slow. However, the overriding principle is it's the release that teaches which I hadn't really got the full message of before.

Had a bit of tail lifting at the sight of (different) horses again but, as D kept his feet still, I just left hm to look and, after a minute or so, he went off into home of his own accord. Good boy.

Faffed around again! Interesting feedback.

Monday 7th December 09

It was cold, wet, windy, the fence was down, I didn't have long etc. excuses, excuses.

Did jobs. D played with the ball for a bit near the shed then went to the top field so I went up and put the cones and the tyre out up there.

D keen to play at liberty and was great at putting his feet in the tyre interesting... he was really grumpy about the weave and after a couple of lines, he took himself off down to the shed!! When you're at liberty all there is is the truth eh?! BFO - I've put too much pressure on him with this game (and figure of 8).

It's obvious really as I know I've felt frustrated with him at times when I've thought he's a bit slow on the uptake. I think what it really is is when he's unconfident, he doesn't try. I'll have to think about how that all works later as I've only remembered this writing a week later!

Anyway, I didn't have the will to get D and go back up as I was nearly out of time so I just went down, gave him a scratch and called it a day! Bit feeble...

Extreme FG and a walk

Sunday 6th December 09

Got toys out and D was straight over to investigate. Definitely the best way to get him interested before haltering!

Great walk down the lane & back, really good extreme FG with the orange bag which at frist caused D to freeze up. By the end I was flapping it on his back and back end, always removing when he relaxed. By the time we got home, he was not bothered by it at all. Hurrah. Got to thinking of the things I could use for extreme FG. Everything has got to have a handle or be easily carried so I can go out with it:

Helium balloons
space hopper
Bin bag/feed bags

When we came back, I waited by Joan's to look at her horses. Oh boy, D got into stallion mode, Boy can his life come up quickly and his tail completely kinked over his back. Had to out the bag down and send him back and forth a lot until he stood still. Joan's horses were trotting about a bit and Moet started calling so it was all high energy.

This has got me thinking I must take D to some shows in the Summer, he's just beside himself with excitement at seeing strange horses. I expect it will be very challenging for me but it's got to be done!!!

Dismounted workshop!

Saturday 5th December 09

What a great day! Had a fab time. I'm runnning out of time so can't write much (try to come back to this) but the main things I learnt:

1. How quickly my life comes up - with a lot of aggression (scarey!)
2. How reassuring friendly game is (rubs when blindfolded!)
3. That when a horse is uncertain, they may need to be held a bit more

Just huddled in the shed!

Sunday 29th November 2009

I was ill after the Celebration with Swine Flu from Monday to Friday and still feeling feeble over the weekend.

Went up on the Sunday pm and it was wet, blowing a gale and freezing! I went up in joggers and wellies with no extra socks, no hat. Prior & proper preparation prevents p poor performance. Oops.

I was too cold to do anything except faff around in the shed with the horses. I soothed myself by saying it was good undemanding time. Thats it...!

Parelli Celebration!

21st/22nd November 2009

What a fantastic weekend as always. I'm now writing in December so my memory is a bit faded. Highlights - Lauren Barwick - not a dry eye in the house. What a girl.
Savvy spotlights were great - Rachel Morland brought the house down as did Alison Jones. Rachel lying phoenix down was another dewy eyed moment. The trust is amazing to see.

Pat played with a very difficult horse, the most challenging I've seen in terms of how long it resisted and returned to it's old patterns. It was certainly a lesson in persistence! Linda rode Carmen Zulaufs (spelling?!) horse and had a lesson from Walter Zettl which was interesting. However, despite Walter repeatedly saying he would explain why he did everything, he did not explain and I know some people in the audience were bemused which was a pity. Perhaps Linda could have added the student's perspective as they went along (shall I email her to suggest this?!)