Friday 10 December 2010

Moving on and catching up

A lot has happened since I last blogged, lots of emotional stuff, the upshot of which is that my time with Duncs may now be limited.

So, what I really need to focus on now is continuing to transfer the trust he has developed with me on the ground to when I'm riding. Then I'll feel I've really accomplished something for him - and with him. Thankfully, this is already happening in a big way.

Strangely, there's no mystery formula to achieving trust. It's all recorded for you somewhere. It's the finding out for yourself which is the hard bit! For me, the most dramatic changes have started since:
a) Starting zone 5 driving (long-lining)
b) Understanding how to deal with thresholds

Now, I have to admit I recently found myself wondering, "If I'd just long-lined from the beginning, could I have got to this place a year ago? After all, that's what happens in traditional horse breaking" but No! Without the understanding of thresholds (previous entry of 14th Oct refers), I would have just ended up driving - or trying to drive - Duncan through them.

It's been the combination of both and probably more the second because, when you're behind a horse, you have more thresholds to deal with and less "control" which means if you don't have trust and rapport, it falls apart (which is why I went back to one-line driving!)

Fascinating stuff which I'm now able to apply to Rosie, a very interesting mare, I'm getting to play with once a week or so. Also, all the knowledge I've gained through hours of (extreme) friendly game with Duncs are helping me with a gorgeous foal too (LOVING that, I could really get into foals, so inquisitive!!) So, it's all good for the future.

I didn't write about my first lesson, and it's a few weeks back now, but you could tell I had a blast! That was on a Thursday. The following Monday, Duncan had a massage which brought lots of things up, including saddle fitting problems. He had to have a few days off afterwards so I didn't do anything until the Friday when I took him into the woods and then rode back up the road afterwards. His right shoulder was very stiff but he felt better behind.

Monday 29th Nov 2010

S took Duncan to a local private yard on foot and with the help of Amy along the main road. I met them there with my saddle as I had to drop Ed off at pre-school. None of the saddles presented fitted Duncan, including mine which was too narrow and slipped forwards. No use adjusting the headplate either as Karen (saddler) thought it would then be too long for Duncs. She pointed out that he has a very small area in which to put the saddle and we'd be looking at a 16.5 extra wide. That was disappointing for the long term but I was actually looking forward to riding in the bareback pad again in the short term!

Duncan was a star going there and back. He loved being out and doing something different and was very well behaved. Even coming back, he was calmer than last time coming back through the woods (been getting better).

Tues 30th Nov 2010 - SNOW!!!

I could not get to the field for a week. My car is not good in snow and we have a hill at each end of the road. Luckily, S has a 4WD so the horses didn't go hungry!


  1. Lucy, I love how you're acknowledging all the time and effort you've put into your relationship with Duncan and your awareness of his thresholds, and how technique alone would never have been the answer for him (and nor will it in the future). I've seen YOU grow so much over the time you've had Duncan and where you've brought him to thus far is a real credit to you. I look forward to catching up with you and the girls again soon (January??) and will look out for blog updates in between times. Keep it natural! ;)

    ~ Beth

  2. Thanks Beth! I'm so grateful for your continuing support. You helped me such a lot in the early days, not least working out that Duncan was RBI. What an eye-opener that was! These are the good days now and I'm determined to really enjoy them!
